Ubex at Blockchain Conference

Ubex AI
3 min readJun 28, 2018


The pioneering Ubex project has attended the Blockchain Conference in Japan on the 26th of June and presented the project to such prominent industry leaders as Brock Pierce, David Namdar of Galaxy Digital, and Scott Walker of the DNA Fund, as well as a host of other industry enthusiasts.

Artem Chestnov Ubex CEO and Co-founder

The Ubex team had the opportunity to meet a large number of Japanese and non Japanese partners and investors at the event. Among the attendees that the Ubex team had the pleasure of meeting was Mr. Moshe Hogeg, the founder of Sirin Labs and a number of other prominent blockchain industry participants from Israel.

Artem Chestnov with Crypto club japan

Fruitful talks were also held with the Tokyo Investment Club and a number of syndicates and media channels, such as Bloomberg and the Sky News Asia edition aimed at Japan, Australia and other countries across the Asian continent. Ubex is delighted that M&E also participated at the event by giving support to the project during a panel discussion, and introduced it to some local partners.

The day ended with a long dinner attended by the DNA Fund. The projects discussed the aspects of token sales, how the fund had conducted its own crowdsale, as well as the current conditions of the market, the differences of processes in conducting crowdsales, and expectations for market prospects. The representatives of the DNA Fund recalled that they were some of the first to introduce crowdsales and noted the importance of single investors and other participants of the process. As an added feature, the DNA Fund gave a review of Ubex and noted that the two projects have good potential for mutual cooperation.

Artem Chestnov with Soichiro Momozaki and our partners Mme

The Japan Blockchain Conference is being held at the Tokyo International Forum on June 26 and 27. More than 100 experts in cryptocurrency, blockchain companies and organizations from all over the world have gathered in Tokyo with the total number of visitors expected to exceed 10,000.

The first day of the Blockchain Conference in Japan proved extremely successful and promised good potential for UBEX Tokens as the project Token Sale continues. Stay tuned for more news and updates from Ubex as the project team attends the second day of the JBC.

