Ubex Project Dev Blog Entry 1

Ubex AI
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2018

The Ubex project’s development team is working ceaselessly to keep the platform’s progress on track. To keep our community appraised of the progress the team is making, we are delighted to release the first Dev Blog entry.

Currently, the development team is focused on three main things.

1) Active data collection for increasing the system core;

2) Training the neural network on the data obtained for maximum analysis of the audience;

3) Development of the personal account interface for the date of mining and payments to our partners;

1) Collection and processing of data.

We have developed a special script that webmasters can install on their websites and use to receive payments.

How it works: The webmaster adds our code to the site’s html template, the user enters the site, and then we write our tags to the cookie for further tracking. At the same time, we transmit to the server impersonal information about the user’s browser, operating system, their actions on the site, and so on. By visiting various sites with our counter, the client builds up data about themselves in our database. The more sites there are in the system, the more we know about the clients.

2) Learning neural network.

The process of data collection is endless, but the analysis stage is finite. Every two weeks (the length of our sprint) we try to improve the data analysis algorithm using machine learning. An analyst and mathematician have been invited to the team to assist in this process.

When an advertiser creates an ad, the system starts the process of analyzing the advertising data submitted by the advertiser and tries to find the right audience for it, which is converted. At the moment, we do not limit the analysis to any parameters such as the user’s language, gender or age. We try to leave it “at the mercy of” the neural network so that it learns to do it by itself. Each pass of the system is analyzed by our team and an assessment of its development is set.

3) Development of the personal account interface.

There is a separate section for data mining in the personal account. It is needed to register webmasters and generate tracking codes for their sites. The procedure is not tricky, as the user only has to fill out the personal data, indicate the address of the site and the wallet to receive rewards in tokens.

The site records webmasters’ data and a new site appears in the kernel for receiving data. As soon as a visitor enters the webmaster’s site, our meter will be launched and data will be collected. Once a day or a week, depending on the site’s traffic, the webmaster will receive payments to their account.

The development team is putting a lot of effort into ensuring the quality of the end product and continue development to further improve the system’s functioning. Stay tuned for more news and updates from Ubex.

