Ubex Project Fast-Tracked To Runners Up In Major Accelerator Program

Ubex AI
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2021

The Ubex development team is delighted to announce that the project has successfully passed the selection process of a major national accelerator program and has been chosen as one of the most promising platforms among numerous other participants.

During the month of February, The Ubex team participated in the selection process for one of the world’s most renowned startup accelerators. The accelerating program for startups is tailored to advancing the development of projects in the field of robotics and IT. The accelerator is designed for new projects and technological solutions that allow users to reduce costs or maximize profits by optimizing individual processes of the host platform.

The Ubex project team went through 2 weeks of intensive training, attended lectures, and conducted numerous sessions for showcasing the platform’s capabilities. This gave the team immense impetus in development, helped to revise the business model and outline the further direction of development of the project.

Of the numerous startups that had participated in the selection process, the Ubex project was among the selected 25 that will undergo acceleration. Over the next 2 months, the team will interact even more closely with the organizers and mentors of the program, who will help the project accelerate and improve its business. During this time, the team is confident that it will gain access to numerous new contacts, partners and clients.

At the end of April, the Ubex development team will have a demo day, which will be a presentation in front of a pool of investors.

The Ubex development team confident that its participation in the accelerator program will fast-track the project’s development and popularization, and will act as an off-ramp for future business scaling. Stay tuned for more news and updates from Ubex.

