Working With UBEX Affiliates Around The World. Business Requirements For Regional Representatives.

Ubex AI
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2019

The Ubex project will soon be launching its data mining service that webmasters can use to earn passive income by sharing the information of the users visiting their websites. The unique technologies being used are also simple in their application and will allow any webmaster to incorporate the Ubex tracker into their websites and automatically share data with the Ubex platform. Ubex welcomes affiliates and any members willing to participate in the data mining process.

The partners Ubex is looking for

1. Publishers are sites that place third-party advertising on their resources. (For example, on there is a block on the right with a banner from the AdFox ad network)

In fact, this is manual placement. Users can find popular sites that are frequently visited and offer to put our ad unit and promise that we will display relevant advertising there to all the website’s visitors.

2. Ad networks like AdFox, YAN, Adriver (also known as SSPs) are publisher aggregators, as they have access to many sites like Forbes. It is possible to offer them to connect to our DSP platform. Why do we need it? We have advertisers who are interested in the audiences of such websites. Why do the advertisers need it? Not all SSPs have access to large advertisers who provide 100% ad loads. We will be an additional source of advertisers for SSPs and their platforms. Such an approach is beneficial for all parties involved, as we will be showing the advertiser that we have access to hundreds of advertising sites, the advertisers can start advertising from a single window, and the advertising network ensures that their platforms (publishers) have 100% loads and, of course, they will be getting their percentages from advertisers.

3. Direct advertisers are those who want to run advertising on the internet and get the maximum coverage. This scheme is suitable for medium scale advertisers with monthly advertising budgets of around $20,000. Ubex will be attracting them on a broader scale when the platform is fully launched.

4. Other DSP platforms with access to advertisers. Why do we need such platforms? To avoid a situation where the SSP network can inflate the volume ads at levels higher than we already have. For example, we have connected a new advertising network to 500 sites and their monthly volume is 100,000 advertising displays, while the entire amount that the advertiser bought from us, for example, is 20,000 displays. This leads to an imbalance. In this case, the traffic exchange mechanism is activated. If our DSP detects that the platform is not coping with the load, the DSP forwards this request to a third-party DSP, which in turn decides which ads to display and gives us advertising materials. This leads to all parties being satisfied with the results, since Ubex will have received its commission as intermediaries of advertising traffic between the SSP and a third-party DSP. The advertiser and publisher are also satisfied, since they have fulfilled their goals.

Based on the above, the main focus at this moment is on searching and agreeing on the integration with SSP and DSP platforms. This is the main focus of the Ubex platform until it is fully launched and gains momentum.

What is necessary for successful integration

In fact, we can integrate with anyone after confirming agreements with the systems. You can ask them for a technical description of how to connect to their systems. Once you have achieved results, send them to Vasily Razumnikh and he will decide what to do next.


