Enhancing Data Annotation with Active Learning

Active learning for data annotation involves selecting challenging instances that make the computer uncertain or elicit disagreements among different programs. These instances are given to experts for labeling, helping the computer improve its recognition abilities. Through an iterative process, the computer gradually becomes smarter by continuously selecting uncertain or disagreed-upon pictures and seeking expert input.

Rihab Ben gaied
4 min readMay 12, 2023


In the realm of data science, one of the critical challenges faced by researchers and developers is the task of data annotation. Accurate and abundant labeled data is the fuel that powers machine learning models, enabling them to make accurate predictions and extract meaningful insights. However, annotating large datasets manually is a time-consuming and expensive process. Active learning, an iterative approach to data annotation, has emerged as a powerful technique to optimize the annotation process by selectively choosing the most informative samples for labeling. In this article, we will explore how active learning, utilizing uncertainty sampling and query-by-committee methods, improves the accuracy of models while minimizing annotation efforts.

The Concept of Active Learning

In traditional supervised learning, a model learns from a labeled dataset provided by human annotators. However, active learning flips the script by introducing an interactive process, where the model actively selects the most valuable samples to be labeled by human annotators. By doing so, active learning leverages the expertise of annotators efficiently and effectively, making the annotation process more intelligent and data-driven.

Uncertainty Sampling

Uncertainty Sampling

At its core, uncertainty sampling is a method used to select data points for analysis or decision-making when faced with a vast pool of information or possibilities. Rather than relying on a random or predetermined approach, uncertainty sampling embraces the idea that not all data points are equal in their informativeness or relevance. By strategically selecting uncertain or ambiguous samples, we can maximize the knowledge gained and optimize our decision-making processes.

Uncertainty sampling methods often include the following popular techniques:

  1. Least Confidence: The model selects samples for annotation based on the lowest confidence it has in its predictions. By targeting samples that the model is least confident about, active learning aims to improve the model’s performance on challenging and borderline cases.
  2. 2. Margin Sampling: This method involves selecting samples where the difference between the top two predictions of the model is minimal. Samples with narrow margins of confidence indicate that the model is unsure of the correct class, making them ideal candidates for annotation.
  3. 3. Entropy-Based Sampling: It measures the uncertainty of the model’s predictions using the entropy of the probability distribution over the classes. Samples with high entropy represent ambiguous cases that the model struggles to classify confidently.

Leveraging Diversity and Disagreement

Another popular approach in active learning is query-by-committee (QBC), which involves selecting samples based on the disagreement among multiple models or committee members. QBC methods typically train a committee of models with different initializations or architectures, and the committee votes on which samples to annotate next. QBC methods are effective in situations where the uncertainty of a single model is not enough to select the most informative samples. By utilizing multiple models, QBC is able to capture diverse perspectives and identify samples that are challenging and informative across multiple models.

to select unlabeled instances for labeling based on disagreement

Measuring Uncertainty and Disagreement

To utilize uncertainty sampling and QBC methods, it is necessary to measure uncertainty and disagreement among models’ predictions. There are several criteria for measuring uncertainty, including entropy, margin, and least confidence. Similarly, disagreement among committee members can be measured using various metrics, such as KL-divergence or average pairwise disagreement.

Active Learning Workflow

The workflow of Active Learning typically involves several iterations. Initially, a small set of labeled data is used to train a model. Then, the active learning algorithm selects a subset of unlabeled samples based on the chosen strategy, such as Uncertainty Sampling, Query by Committee. These selected samples are then sent to the oracle for label annotation. The newly labeled samples are added to the labeled dataset, and the model is retrained using the updated data. This process is repeated iteratively, with the model improving and the labeled dataset growing gradually.


Active learning, utilizing uncertainty sampling and query-by-committee methods, has emerged as a powerful technique for enhancing the data annotation process. By selecting the most informative samples, active learning optimizes the annotation process, reducing time and effort while improving model performance. As the demand for machine learning models continues to grow, active learning will continue to play a critical role in empowering AI through data-driven annotation.

