Litigation Intelligence: Making Legal Work Easier with AI

Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2023
Buried in Legal Paperwork? There’s a Better Way.

The Problem:

Picture a lawyer’s desk, piled high with stacks of papers. Each paper has crucial info, but finding it is like searching for a needle in a haystack. This is the daily life for many lawyers, especially those dealing with environmental cases which have loads of complex documents.

Why It’s a Big Deal:

Drowning in Documents? Discover a Smarter Legal Approach.

Lawyers are spending more time reading and searching than actually helping their clients. It’s time-consuming and tiresome, taking them away from their real job.

How Kudra Helps?

Think of Kudra as a smart assistant. With the Kudra app:

Lawyers upload their big stacks of papers (digitally, of course).

Upload Any Doc on Kudra.

Kudra quickly reads through them, finds important bits like names, laws, or groups, and highlights them.

Analyzed output in Kudra. Image by Author.

It then makes a short version of each document, capturing just the main points.

Kudra even lists out the big facts separately, so lawyers don’t have to hunt for them.

If Kudra misses something or gets it wrong, no problem! Lawyers can just point it out, and Kudra learns for next time.

Putting It to Work:

So how does this play out in real life? Let’s say a lawyer has a bunch of files from the climate case chart website. Instead of reading them one by one:

They load them all into Kudra.

In minutes, Kudra processes thousands of documents, highlighting laws, names, and more.

Lawyers get a neat summary of each file and a list of key facts.

If anything looks off, they can easily correct it in Kudra’s dashboard.

The Big Win:

With Kudra’s help, lawyers can cut down their reading time massively. They get straight to the main info, helping them build stronger cases and serve their clients better.

In Short:

Kudra isn’t just another app. It’s a game-changer, turning hours of document reading into minutes, and making legal work much more efficient.

Ready to see Kudra in action? Book a demo now with our team using this Calendly link.

Want to know more about the product? Dive deeper into the benefits and features by visiting the Kudra Website.

