Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Few-Shot Learning

Wiem Souai
Published in
7 min readFeb 28, 2024

Few-shot learning stands out as a revolutionary progression in the field of machine learning, allowing models to undergo training using a minimal number of labeled examples. In contrast to traditional supervised learning, which relies heavily on abundant labeled data, few-shot learning addresses this challenge by furnishing models with only a small set of labeled examples per class. This strategy involves utilizing a support set for training episodes, enabling models to excel in tasks where data availability is restricted, particularly in domains like clinical natural language processing (NLP). This exploration delves into the transformative potential of few-shot learning in the context of NLP. The article covers various aspects, including:

  1. An overview of Few-shot Learning
    2. The mechanisms behind Few-Shot Learning
    3. Approaches to few-shot learning in NLP
    4. A comparison between few-shot learning in NLP and zero-shot learning
    5. Understanding Narrow AI
    6. Defining general AI
    7. The distinctions between General AI and Narrow AI
    8. Insight into data labeling
    9. An exploration of data labeling tools

What is Few-shot Learning ?

Few-shot learning stands at the forefront of cutting-edge techniques in machine learning, bringing about a revolution in how models are trained using just a limited number of labeled examples. To appreciate its significance, let’s first delve into the foundation of traditional supervised learning.

In traditional supervised learning, models undergo training with a fixed dataset containing numerous labeled examples per class. During this process, the model encounters a predetermined set of classes and is subsequently evaluated on a distinct test dataset. However, the effectiveness of supervised learning heavily relies on the availability of abundant labeled data, posing a substantial obstacle, especially in domains like clinical natural language processing (NLP). Acquiring labeled clinical text data is often laborious and time-consuming, emphasizing the need for more efficient methodologies.

Enter few-shot learning, a specialized approach within supervised learning crafted to address the challenge of limited data availability directly. Few-shot learning operates on a different paradigm, training models with a minimal number of labeled examples, sometimes just a scant few per class. This method utilizes a support set, from which multiple training tasks are curated to create training episodes. Each training task encompasses a diverse array of classes, commonly denoted by the notation N-way K-shot, where N represents the number of classes, and K signifies the number of examples per class.

By embracing few-shot learning, practitioners can adeptly navigate the hurdles posed by constrained data availability, particularly in intricate domains like clinical NLP. Harnessing a small yet strategic subset of labeled examples, few-shot learning empowers models to achieve commendable performance outcomes, thereby revolutionizing the landscape of machine learning methodologies.

How does Few-Shot Learning work?

Few-Shot Learning (FSL) functions by instructing machine learning models to rapidly adapt and generalize to new tasks or classes using only a limited amount of labeled data.

Dataset Preparation: In Few-Shot Learning (FSL), the dataset is organized into two key components — the support set and the query set. The support set comprises a small number of labeled examples for each class or task, while the query set consists of unlabeled examples used for evaluation. The primary goal is to train a model that can generalize effectively from the support set, accurately classifying or recognizing examples in the query set.

Model Training: During the training phase, the model’s parameters are optimized to acquire a generalized representation or update rule that can adapt to new tasks or classes. Meta-learning is a prevalent approach in FSL, where the model is trained on multiple meta-tasks or episodes, each consisting of a support set and a query set from different classes or tasks. The model learns to perform well on the query set after exposure to the support set.

Feature Extraction and Embeddings: Deep neural networks are commonly employed to extract meaningful features or embeddings from the input data. These features aim to capture essential characteristics and patterns across diverse tasks or classes, facilitating generalization.

Meta-Learner Adaptation: During meta-training, the model swiftly adjusts its parameters based on the support set of each meta-task. This adaptation process may involve updating internal representations, fine-tuning parameters, or learning an initial state conducive to rapid learning on new tasks.

Inference and Evaluation: Post-training, the model is evaluated on the query set of each meta-task to assess its generalization performance. It should demonstrate robust generalization to new examples, accurately classifying or recognizing them despite having limited labeled data. Common evaluation metrics include accuracy, precision, recall, or F1 score.

Transfer and Generalization: Once trained, the model can be deployed to new tasks or classes by providing a small support set of labeled examples specific to the target task. Leveraging its acquired knowledge, the model adapts to the new task and makes predictions on the query set.

In essence, Few-Shot Learning empowers models to effectively generalize from limited labeled data, excelling in new, unseen tasks or classes. This makes it particularly valuable in scenarios where obtaining extensive labeled datasets is challenging or impractical.

What are the few-shot learning approaches in NLP ?

Meta Learning Approaches

a) Siamese Networks

- Concept: Koch et al. (2015) introduced Siamese networks to determine the likelihood of two data examples belonging to the same class. These networks use identical multi-layer neural networks to process examples, creating embeddings. The distance between these embeddings is computed and fed into a comparison network for classification.

-Training:Pairs of examples are randomly chosen from a broader set of training classes, encouraging generalized learning. In testing, entirely different classes are used, aligning closely with the spirit of N-way-K-shot tasks.

- Applications: Applied in NLP tasks such as question-answering and text classification, focusing on semantic similarity or dissimilarity between text inputs.

b) Prototypical Networks

- Concept: Snell et al. (2017) introduced Prototypical Networks, addressing data imbalances by creating class prototypes through embedding averaging. Classification is based on the similarity between prototypes and a query embedding, calculated as a negative multiple of Euclidean distance.

- Application: Used to address data imbalances and applied to Named Entity Recognition tasks in a variation proposed by Bin et al.

c) Matching Networks

- Concept: Vinyals et al. (2016) proposed Matching Networks, predicting one-hot encoded labels for a query set through a weighted sum of support set labels. Weights are determined by similarity computed through cosine similarity between embeddings generated from separate networks for support and query examples.

- Training: Employed for N-way-K-shot learning tasks, predicting labels for the query set based on the support set.

- Challenge: Susceptible to data imbalance, where classes with more support examples may dominate.

Non Meta Learning Approaches

a) Transfer Learning

- Concept: Optimizes learning by leveraging related tasks, essential for sparse data scenarios like few-shot learning. Involves pre-training deep networks on sample data for base classes and fine-tuning for new few-shot classes.

- Advancement: Recent self-supervised techniques in NLP reduce the need for extensive annotation, but supervised fine-tuning remains necessary for downstream tasks.

b) Prompting

- Concept: A standout method in few-shot learning, particularly potent when combined with large language models. Models undergo self-supervised autoregressive pretraining, followed by instruction tuning and refinement via reinforcement learning techniques.

- Developmental Stages: Starts with predicting subsequent tokens in a self-supervised manner, progresses to instruction tuning for user inquiries, and undergoes further refinement for helpfulness, accuracy, and safety.

The outcome of these processes is the model’s enhanced capacity for generalization. Essentially, these models become adept at comprehending and executing tasks that are related but previously unencountered, often with just a handful of examples for guidance.

c) Latent text embeddings:

- Concept: This method utilizes latent text embeddings to represent both documents and potential class labels, enabling label assignment based on their proximity in the embedding space.

- Advantages: Unlike supervised learning, it doesn’t rely on pre-labeled data, leveraging humans’ innate categorization ability driven by semantic understanding.

- Effectiveness: Particularly effective in NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, machine translation, text summarization, question answering, and topic modeling, where latent text embeddings can capture semantic similarities and relationships for intuitive categorization.

Few shot learning NLP vs zero shot learning

Before we delve into comparing Few-shot learning in NLP with zero-shot learning, let’s explore the concept of zero-shot learning:

Zero-shot learning entails the remarkable ability of a model to recognize classes that it has never encountered during training. This capability mirrors the human capacity to generalize and identify new concepts without explicit guidance. Zero-shot learning and few-shot learning are two innovative methodologies in machine learning, each offering unique advantages and applications.


Zero-shot Learning: Zero-shot learning offers remarkable flexibility, allowing the model to address a broad spectrum of tasks without additional training. This flexibility stems from the model’s ability to generalize effectively based on its pre-existing knowledge.

Few-shot Learning: While not as flexible as zero-shot learning, few-shot learning still exhibits moderate flexibility. It can adapt to various tasks with a limited number of examples, making it suitable for scenarios where task-specific customization is necessary.

Training Time:

Zero-shot Learning: Zero-shot learning requires no additional training for specific tasks, making it highly efficient in terms of training time. The model can immediately apply its pre-existing knowledge to make predictions.

Few-shot Learning: Although few-shot learning requires some task-specific data for training, it is still relatively efficient compared to traditional training methods. The model can adapt to new tasks with a small number of labeled examples, reducing the overall training time.


Zero-shot Learning: Zero-shot learning becomes invaluable in scenarios where specific training data is lacking or when rapid experimentation is crucial. It allows for quick adaptation to new tasks without the need for extensive training.

Few-shot Learning: Few-shot learning finds its niche in situations where task-specific customization is necessary or when the available training data is restricted. It provides a middle ground between zero-shot learning and traditional supervised learning, offering tailored solutions with limited examples.


Few-shot learning represents a revolutionary paradigm shift in machine learning as it trains models with minimal labeled data. In stark contrast to traditional methods, it demands only a handful of examples per class, thereby empowering models, especially in data-scarce domains like clinical natural language processing (NLP). Our exploration will delve into the various approaches, underlying mechanisms, and a comparative analysis with zero-shot learning.

