Nearshore — 5 Types of Distance

Miguel Vieira
Published in
8 min readJun 21, 2023

A nearshore location offers a special and beneficial opportunity for both people and enterprises. The advantages of closeness and cost-effectiveness are combined in nearshore areas, which are tucked between onshore and offshore zones. A nearshore post acts as a bridge connecting geographically dispersed enterprises in today’s constantly globalizing environment where communication and cooperation are crucial. A nearshore post provides doors to a world of opportunities for anybody trying to expand their business, find new opportunities for growth, or simply experience something new. In this essay, we will examine the many benefits and facets of nearshoring, illuminating how it might influence and improve your professional trajectory.

Nearshore is a term used to differentiate software development across borders. Nearshore is an outsourcing of work to a low-wage foreign nation that is nearby in terms of distance and/or time zone. The client anticipates gaining from one or more of the following proximity constructs: relationships based on geography, time, culture, language, economy, politics, and history. It is used to distinguish between companies and countries.

Come and learn about the five types of distance for Nearshoring:

Physical Distance

Have you ever missed a relative who is in another country and the only way to contact them is through the Internet? From the physical space between people, teams, companies, and countries, to the intricate web of cultural, linguistic, and even psychological barriers, distance has long been seen as a disadvantage in various domains.

Physical distance is not solely confined to geographic boundaries, it uncovers its profound influence on location choice, competitive advantage, and even the flow of information between companies and markets.

The rise of the internet, with its boundless communication capabilities, has ushered in a new era. It has redefined the very notion of distance, enabling the seamless transfer of services across borders and empowering businesses to transcend physical proximity. Through virtual offices, screen-based activities can be relocated to wherever the best skills and productivity can be found, liberating companies from the constraints imposed by traditional notions of distance.

In this era of technology and limitless communication, businesses are shifting their focus. They are progressively seeking location-based advantages, harnessing the power of the internet to overcome physical barriers. As the internet facilitates instantaneous electronic service transmission across borders, a new set of borders emerges — those shaped by free trade-based legislation that fosters business investment. These borders, characterized by their openness and connectivity, hold the potential to reshape the nearshoring landscape.

Temporal Distance

Many companies go through the struggle of trying to get in touch with a customer from another country but have to wait a long time, even a day, to get an answer because of the difference between timezones.

The temporal distance that emerges from different time zones across business locations is one type of distance that is getting more attention in contemporary management and economics research. In today’s interconnected world, the barriers that distance poses to cooperation and communication have become increasingly pronounced, magnified by the rise of distributed and remote work structures.

Communication lies at the heart of every successful enterprise, enabling the creation of high-quality, affordable, and time-efficient solutions. However, when teams are scattered across different time zones, the challenges of real-time collaboration become all too real. The limited window for synchronous communication with offshore partners can hinder seamless collaboration, creating a friction that hampers productivity and responsiveness.

Economically speaking, temporal distance amplifies communication friction. The wider the temporal gap, the narrower the window for synchronously connecting during local business hours. Contrastingly, geographically close companies enjoy the advantage of closely aligned time zones, facilitating seamless communication, enhanced productivity, prompt responses, and consistent workflow.

Individual productivity, team performance, and knowledge transfer from headquarters to global subsidiaries are all influenced by temporal distance. The governance of far-off locations in disparate time zones can prove arduous, hindering lasting and cooperative connections. While ICTs have revolutionized global cooperation, communication costs remain significant, necessitating a strategic approach to mitigate the negative impacts of temporal distance.

Rather than viewing time gaps as a disadvantage, nearshoring embraces them as a potential competitive advantage. Multinational companies operating in multiple time zones recognize the ability to capitalize on time differences, optimizing work throughout the day and seamlessly transferring the product to manufacturing sites across several time zones.

Linguistic Distance

Have you ever visited another country and had difficulty communicating with the natives because of the distance between languages? Language, a vital aspect of our daily lives, serves as the conduit for sharing concepts, knowledge, emotions, and experiences.

The differences between languages make it difficult to measure linguistic distance. Language plays a pivotal role in globalisation, facilitating interactions while being influenced by external factors. Embracing bilingualism or multilingualism becomes an avenue to integrate into the globalized world. It sharpens cognitive abilities, enhances empathy, and opens doors to international opportunities and trade.

However, language, as a double-edged sword, can also create barriers, hindering human relationships and impeding effective communication in an era defined by globalization and connectivity. Language problems lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. While language can connect individuals, it can also serve as a wall inhibiting the transmission of clear and precise messages. Nonetheless, language barriers have been found to impact various organizational phenomena, influencing employees’ emotions, the development of social identities, the establishment of trust, and power dynamics within multinational corporations.

This language barrier can be overcome by hiring onshore support from native speakers, bridging the linguistic gap. Nearshoring offers essential advantages, including a strong command of the client’s native language, minimizing misunderstandings, and eliminating the need for clients to adapt to the supplier’s language. Research conducted by Deutsche Bank highlights the lower communication costs and trust-building potential that linguistic proximity provides in nearshoring partnerships. Nearshoring destinations in Eastern Europe boast a significant advantage, with a larger population proficient in European languages and English.

Global businesses, recognizing the benefits of language adaptation, are establishing onshore and nearshore offices, hiring local workers, and reducing language-related costs. Linguistic closeness in nearshore projects is balanced by the importance of language competency, the option to enlist onshore assistance, and the decreasing need for language modifications on the client’s side.

Cultural Distance

Have you ever gone on a business trip and had a culture shock while socialising with the locals, or even seeing how they interact with each other?

Cultural distance poses obstacles for expats, impacting their ability to acclimate to new environments. It also influences recruitment processes, performance evaluations, pay management, and training and development activities. Successful communication and connections depend on factors such as language, humour, shared educational backgrounds, and shared histories, particularly in neighbouring nations. Providers must prioritize understanding their clients’ values, as it leads to a better understanding of their behaviour and fosters long-lasting partnerships.

Nearshoring presents an advantageous solution for overcoming challenges posed by time zone variations, language barriers, geographical distances, limited face-to-face meetings, and cultural diversity often encountered in offshore deals. Europeans, due to their shared or “Westernized” corporate culture and greater understanding of clients’ cultural backgrounds, find it easier to conduct business in nearby regions like Eastern Europe compared to more culturally distant areas such as Asia or Africa.

Negotiating outsourcing contracts with high-context cultures tends to require more time compared to low-context cultures. High-context cultures, like Indian, Arabic, or Asian cultures, value honour, reputation, and tradition and prioritize conflict reduction. Clarity may be sacrificed for politeness. In low-context, individualistic cultures such as American or most European cultures, an emphasis on numbers and closing deals can be seen as aggressive. Globalisation and migration have increased cultural awareness among individuals and organizations, enhancing their ability to coordinate cross-border activities.

Culture, with its multifaceted nature, presents challenges in evaluation, particularly in outsourcing contracts where customer and provider employees interact daily. Offshore IT cultures exhibit surprising similarities despite the overall cultural diversity, indicating that nearshoring may no longer solely benefit from cultural closeness in the future.

Economic/Political Distance

Are you a person who keeps abreast of the news and follows the political and economic situations in neighbouring countries? Did you know that they are strategic points for companies to enter the nearshore? Decisions on nearshoring are significantly influenced by political and economic stability.

Nearshore investments are more likely to flow into nations with stable political regimes and hospitable business environments. Businesses may be reluctant to engage in nearshoring operations because of political instability’s heightened risks and uncertainty. The market potential and commercial prospects of a nearshore site might be impacted by the political and economic distance.

A nation’s legal and regulatory system is essential for nearshoring. Businesses look for places where the laws and rules support operations, safeguard intellectual property, and guarantee a fair business climate. The compatibility of legal systems can be impacted by political and economic distance, creating new difficulties and complications.

Decisions on nearshoring are greatly influenced by economic factors including GDP growth, income levels, and market size. Businesses frequently look for areas with strong economic growth and a sizable consumer base. The degree of political and economic distance between nations affects a variety of factors, including political stability, legal and regulatory frameworks, trade agreements, economic development, labour prices and skills, currency, and exchange rates, as well as infrastructure and logistics. Successful nearshoring operations depend on being aware of and controlling these variables.

Personnel prices and the availability of trained personnel are factors that affect nearshoring decisions. A qualified workforce and cost-effective labour can be accessed via nearshoring to nations with reduced labour expenses. Currency exchange rates can be impacted by political and economic distance, which in turn influences decisions on nearshoring. Exchange rate fluctuations can create uncertainty and risk for companies that participate in nearshoring operations since they might affect expenses and profitability.

Ubiwhere — Product Development as a Service

Ubiwhere brings a solution that goes beyond Nearshore! Have you ever thought about the possibility of having a team of professionals responsible for your platform, without having to worry? Ubiwhere has the answer!

Product Development as a Service is a solution to implement product roadmaps, ideate innovation plans or build great services with bleeding edge technologies for clients. Embedded in the B2B strategy, Ubiwhere has a team of professionals that manages, creates, and develops technological solutions to answer clients’ needs, by comprehending customer’s key blockers and creating a team that can help on achieving their objectives.

Product Development as a Service is an upgraded version and a better option of Nearshore, bringing a different business model, where instead of hiring people to work for a company’s project, the client hires Ubiwhere directly, which will be responsible for the whole process, from creation to operation, which frees the client from any responsibilities!

In the process behind Product Development as a Service, Ubiwhere will have a team responsible for the project, in which the Project Manager will be the thread between the client and the company. Once the customer’s needs and requirements are settled, the Project Manager, together with the team, will provide total focus on the project, keeping it always running with the best performance.

Since the client does not have to be constantly attentive to the platform, to make updates and give indications, and Ubiwhere’s team will have the complete focus on the project, the consequences that distance brings are not going to be implication for Product Development as a Service. If you are interested and want to read more about it, visit our website!

