Ubiquity — All That You Need to Know in 2022

Ubiquity DAO
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2022

Ubiquity — All That You Need to Know in 2022

What is Ubiquity DAO?

Ubiquity is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) building financial primitives on the Ethereum blockchain by leveraging our flagship product, the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD).

What is Our Main Goal?

The main goal of Ubiquity DAO is to become the bank of the metaverse, through leveraging our flagship product: the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD). While there are a handful of centralized stablecoins that already exist in this sector, there are currently no decentralized stablecoins solely focused on serving the crypto gaming space and its respective communities. Fixing this issue and offering a safe exit to stablecoins from Web3 gaming is our top priority. Our long-term vision is to bring stability to the metaverse economy.

Understanding uAD and the Value That It Holds

uAD — the main token and the core utility of the Ubiquity ecosystem. An algorithmic stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar at a ratio of 1:1.

UBQ — the governance token for the uAD system, as well as for other projects developed by the Ubiquity team. Used for voting and revenue share from all connected systems.

uCR — a fungible token that is issued at a premium which depreciates linearly over time through a credit cycle. When the Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) for uAD is below $1, a participant can burn uAD tokens in exchange for uCR, which functions as credit that can be redeemed when the uAD TWAP goes back above $1. uAR can be exchanged 1:1 for uAD tokens in an upcoming inflation cycle (price of uAD above 1.00).

uBOND — a fungible and non-depreciating token, generally used as a line of credit for contributors.

uAD3CRV-f — tokens obtained by providing liquidity to the uAD/3CRV pool.

Ubiquity Credit NFT (uCR-NFT) — Ubiquity Credit with a defined expiration date.

UbiquiStick NFT NFT collection consisting of [redacted] NFTs created by Ubiquity DAO. Holding one of these gives users exclusive access to our Yield Aggregator vaults and beta access to new products.

The Yield Aggregator — We offer up to double the yield vs. directly farming from the underlying protocols that our vaults are associated with. To ensure that yields are competitive, some of these custom strategies may have limits or only be available to UbiquiStick holders.

uAR — Yield Aggregator returns are distributed in the form of uAR tokens. uAR tokens are perpetual credit tokens issued by the Ubiquity protocol that can be redeemed for 1 uAD when the stablecoin trades above $1.

Use Case Examples

Wouldn’t you like to have some sort of cash-back rewards system in place when purchasing your NFTs? You’re in luck, Ubiquity has got it covered. Similar to how credit cards offer cash-back rewards on various purchases, you can earn cash-back rewards when buying NFTs with uAD. In the V1 model, for every NFT that you purchase with uAD, you will receive 10% cash-back in the form of uCR. As we onboard more partnerships in our metaverse-ecosystem, you will be treated to a variety of products that offer much more than just NFTs.

But wait, there’s more! You can actually earn yields on your cashback rewards! Ubiquity DAO is in the process of deploying a yield aggregator with various vaults in order to enable competitive yields. In doing so, we will establish even greater utility and incentivize more and more people to start using uAD.

How Can Ubiquity DAO Help Crypto Games?

Whether it be interoperability between games/ecosystems, community rewards, branded stablecoins, payment processing/settlement, or even item creation — we hold a very unique advantage over other DAOs. Our upgrade-compatible design and unique credit system can be highly flexible when it comes to our partnerships, thus allowing for us to both directly or indirectly incentivize companies to partner with us.

What’s In It for Ubiquity DAO?

Gaming is a high-growth sector that we love.. We want to contribute in helping to expand the metaverse, and be the gamers’ ally in creating a decentralized economy.

An additional benefit we have taken into consideration is the resulting long-term impact on both community and protocol trust. Crypto gaming will be an inception point for the next wave of users into crypto, and we intend to be a large part of this wave. By being one of the first tokens that newcomers ever hold in their wallet, we will more easily establish lasting trust in the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD).

Our Partners

We have established high profile and strong partnerships to work together towards our goals. We are proud to annoucement the list of partners. The list includes Animoca, Concave, Merit Circle, Momentum6, Ascensive Assets, Snackclub, C2, Play Ventures, 369 Cpaital, NewTribe Capital, Balthazar.


We have an audit from CERTIK and we are in the process of obtaining a security assessment from both PeckShield and Haechi as well. Our users’ safety is of the utmost importance to us.

A Bright Future Ahead

The Ubiquity DAO team wants to thank the community for your steadfast support of the project, especially in these trying times. In the weeks ahead, our team will announce more details around the upcoming roadmap. We will make sure that the community is well-informed and part of every decision along the way.

For More Information

  1. Protocol Overview- How does uAD work?
  2. The Team — Who owns Ubiquity?
  3. Tokenomics
  4. Token List — How does uAD retain its peg?
  5. Audit — In progress
  6. Website — https://ubq.fi/

