Ubiquity Monthly Newsletter

Ubiquity DAO
3 min readDec 5, 2022


Good Morning from the Ubiquiverse!

What an exciting month! Ethereum has recently completed its transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, Stablecoins have seen more market adoption (and regulation), and Ubiquity has furthered its progress on the Proxy Yield Aggregator as well as the Cashback system that aims to be launched with v1.

As we enter the final quarter of the year, we are expecting good news and (volatility) ahead. These are some of the updates that the Ubiquity team has been working on.

Gearing up for the next level
  1. Bonding

Our engineers are hard at work with getting v1 ready for launch with plenty of back-end testing and coding being implemented. We have heard your opinions on incentivized testnets (Alpha). Maybe it’s in the works? Who knows? Stay tuned to find out more…

2. Token 2049!

The Ubiquity Team has landed in Singapore for the biggest event of the year, Token 2049! Lots of talks and plans to meet with VCs and other builders. Be it bear or bull market, we will march forwards to completion of the project.

3. Summary

We will have more exciting news for you all next week so stay tuned and as always, thanks for reading! In the meantime, here are some important news that we have been keeping up with as well:

Defi Regulations — Future Outlook on Ethereum

Within the defi ecosystem, there are these very significant structural issues around transparency, or the lack thereof.

*Spoiler* — Blockchain fixes this

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/fed-chair-powell-sees-real-need-for-more-appropriate-defi-regulation-citing-very-significant-structural-issues/

Flawless Victory? — Post Merge

The most important thing about the merge was that it was executed flawlessly, and did not disrupt the market as expected. Multiple teams across the world worked together to ensure the success of the merge. The merge itself marks a new era for Ethereum, allowing it to scale, be environmentally friendly, and more. We are excited to see what the future holds for Ethereum.

Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-merge-was-executed-flawlessly-says-starkware-co-founder

Unstable Draft

Stablecoins backed only by other native, digital assets created by their issuers would see a two-year ban from new issuance, with a two-year grace period for existing stablecoins to receive approval after changing their business model.

Source: https://www.theblock.co/post/171565/draft-stablecoin-bill-in-congress-to-require-fed-state-regulator-approval

All Web3 inhabitants are welcome to share ideas for growing the Ubiquiverse on official Ubiquity social media pages. Join us on discord , twitter and telegram for more news update.




Originally published on https://ubq.fi.

Artwork by Nango

