Welcome to Display.land

Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

It’s been a wild three months.

From graffiti filled streets in Spain to underground bunkers in Sausalito, subway stations in Tokyo to industrial kitchens in Texas, the Display.land community has been blowing our minds every morning by capturing, sharing and exploring each others’ spaces from around the world during our early access period.

To learn more about our story of getting here and where we’re going, keep reading, but if just want to try it out yourself, head on over to the iOS or Android stores to download and start creating!

What You Can do Today

Capture any space with the device you already own — from as small as a courtyard to entire city blocks

Edit insanely fast — changes you make to your spaces are rendered and saved in real time.

Instantly share your spaces via web links and videos, or freely export them as 3D models

Explore the world and join a community of global explorers in 50 countries

How We Got Here

We started U6 with the mission to unlock new ways for people to create and connect in the physical spaces they care about, such as our PlaySFMOMA space last year.

To create that experience, we captured the SF MOMA’s physical space in 3D using a commodity smartphone, edited and authored it remotely in a web browser, and allowed hundreds of people to browse and experience the sandbox together in real time from their own devices onsite in AR, and remotely via desktop and webVR browsers.

With today’s release, we’re beginning to put those same tools in everybody’s hands, with the goal of building and improving our roadmap in public with our community.

Where We’re Going: Editing Reality Together
Unlocking a new digital canvas for creativity and shared experiences

Our goal is to grow Display.land into a destination where people can create, share and explore together in new, immersive and interactive ways.

We believe the best way to achieve this is by releasing often and publicly, supporting our earliest creators, and constantly increasing access to creative tools only previously available to high end gaming, graphics and 3D professionals. In the coming months, you can expect to see regular updates along this path.

Display.land is for those of us who see art in reality. If this sounds like something you’re interested in working on, shoot us a note! We’re working on some of the hardest challenges in computer vision, graphics and multiplayer networking and are hiring actively.

-Anjney & Ankit
Co-founders, Ubiquity6

