Welcoming Ann-Marie Harbour as Head of Studio

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2 min readFeb 11, 2019

I’m so excited to share that Ann-Marie Harbour is joining Ubiquity6 to lead our studio team after almost five incredible years at Magic Leap.

Ann-Marie is an industry veteran with over 18 years of experience bringing engineers and creatives together as a producer. She was most recently at Magic Leap where she spent the first two years at Magic Leap as the Executive Producer of the Creative Content Group and then moved to lead key Strategic Content Partnerships. In her tenure there, she built out the company’s studio team and led their strategic partnerships with some of the world’s most talented content teams such as Lucasfilm, Framestore, and Warner Bros.

Her past is exciting, but wait until you see the future she’s going to help us build. In another era, Ann-Marie would’ve been the skipper of an expedition crew ready to brave the stormiest waters to find uncharted land. Her role at Ubiquity6 comes pretty close — as studio lead, she will be the ballast that keeps us on course to deliver a completely new kind of shared, persistent reality for people to explore.

“When I first met with Ubiquity6, I immediately knew there was something special happening at this company. After working in the XR industry for the last 5 years, there is no doubt in my mind that we are moving towards a world where the digital and physical will merge into a single reality. The technology at Ubiquity6 is unlike anything I’ve ever seen and I’m excited to bring the next wave of shared AR experiences to millions of people around the world.” — Ann-Marie Harbour

If you’re interested in what Ann-Marie will be doing at Ubiquity6 or interested in joining the team — please reach out! Our studio team is rapidly growing and we are looking for creators, artists, engineers, and producers to join us in populating the world with magical content.

— Anjney

