Welcoming Nico as Senior Director of Engineering

Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

When Ankit and I founded Ubiquity6, we knew we’d be pushing the limits of existing 3D authoring and rendering engines to truly deliver on the promise of shared, ubiquitous AR. A few months in, we knew we needed to find someone to lead our engine team who would need to be the elusive combination of Gandalf and Frodo — someone who had the wisdom of a rendering and 3D authoring veteran, but with the curiosity, bravery and intrepidness of a maverick. After a year of searching, we found him and he has made our Fellowship stronger than ever.

We’re so excited to be welcoming Nicolas Coderre to the Ubiquity6 team as Senior Director of Engineering. Nico brings over 15 years of engineering experience to the team and was most recently a Senior Director of Engineering at Zynga for over 5 years. We’re excited that he believes so strongly in what we are doing and has signed up for the Ubiquity6 journey.

When I was first introduced to Nico by our investors at First Round, I was impressed by his extensive experience in building and shipping so many different titles on different platforms which have been played by over 45 million people. Not only does Nicolas have a solid track record working as an engineering leader and manager for top tier technical teams at gaming companies like Microsoft Game Studios and Roblox, he has the startup spirit and was eager to roll up his sleeves and start writing core engine code on day one.

In his role at Ubiquity6, Nicolas will be building world class tooling that combines cutting edge computer vision with state of the art authoring for AR. He will be tackling challenges in 3D mapping, real time multiplayer networking, and massively distributed AR infrastructure. We can’t imagine anyone more suited to join us in the role and we’re excited to share all of the new things we will be rolling out in the coming months. If you’re interested in learning more about what Nicolas and the team is building at Ubiquity6 please reach out. We’re hiring so come help us build a shared reality!


