Empowering the Future: Unleashing Potential through Big Data and Data Science

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5 min readAug 30, 2023

Big Data and Data Science can improve the digital projects carried out at Ubiwhere. Come and learn more about these concepts’ main challenges and strengths!

Tiago Correia, Data Scientist at Ubiwhere.

In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, data has become the heartbeat of our existence, with the volume and variety of the generated and collected data reaching unprecedented levels. Tackling this vast ocean of information often requires understanding two core concepts: big data and data science. These concepts transform our industries and urban environments and shape how we understand and interact with the world.

Big Data refers to the colossal volumes of raw information gathered by a wide variety of data sources and data providers. Data science is the multidisciplinary field responsible for harnessing the power and potential of data by analyzing and extracting meaningful insights, patterns, trends, and correlations within the data. In other words, the goal is to refine the raw data into valuable insights. This synergy between big data and data science drives innovation, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions and predictions that were once deemed impossible.

These concepts are becoming increasingly prevalent in companies and institutions that must manage and process large quantities of data, such as the case with Ubiwhere. With numerous data sources spread across various environments, locations and contexts, having a solid grasp of big data and data science becomes more of a necessity.

The Data Science Pipeline: From Raw Data to Actionable Insights

The journey from raw data to actionable insights and metrics involves a series of interlinked steps:

  • Data Collection: The process begins with data acquisition from diverse sources. From databases and APIs to sensors and social media platforms, data scientists gather information to fuel their analyses.
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Raw data often has errors, inconsistencies, and missing values. Data cleaning and preprocessing ensure the data is accurate, complete, and ready for analysis.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): EDA involves visualising and summarising data to understand its characteristics and relationships. This step helps identify anomalies, trends, and potential insights.
  • Insight Communication: The insights gained from data analysis are communicated to stakeholders using visualisation, reports, and storytelling. Effective communication ensures that the insights drive informed decisions.

Of course, this is not an isolated process. Data science teams are usually paired with teams of other backgrounds, such as backend and front-end teams. At Ubiwhere, this paradigm is no different. Talented backend engineers are responsible for building and connecting these databases to multiple data sources. In contrast, qualified front-end engineers present the processed and organised data in a user-friendly and user-appealing format. At the crossroads of these two teams are the data science and data analysis teams, assuming the role of the middleman between the two.

Big Data Warehousing

One way to effectively organize large quantities of data is through a data warehouse, a central repository of integrated data from one or more disparate sources capable of storing current and historical data in one single and centralized place.

This approach has several benefits: data integration from multiple sources into a single database and data model. Furthermore, it can also maintain data history and improve data quality.

To mitigate future performance issues of its sizeable databases, Ubiwhere is currently implementing a data warehouse solution capable of handling the large quantities of data collected by the company’s and its partner’s infrastructure. Developing this solution has been, and still is, challenging. However, learning and working with new tools and concepts has also been an opportunity.

Challenges in Big Data and Data Science

Handling large quantities of data usually comes with several challenges, which are further exacerbated as the size of the data set increases. From these challenges, the ones that stand out the most are Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value.

1- Volume: As the name suggests, big data comprises enormous quantities of generated and collected data. This data is usually stored in complex and robust databases, and any piece of data can be fetched from these databases using queries. However, as the database size increases, so does its complexity, which means that those queries for information tend to take more time to be processed to return the information to the user.

2- Velocity: Most large-scale applications leverage the use of data streams in real-time from a multitude of sources. Social media updates, financial market data, and sensor readings demand rapid processing and analysis to extract timely insights. As previously mentioned, the processing performance is affected by the quantity of data in the databases, potentially making those needed timely insights impossible to obtain.

3- Variety: The data stored in the databases usually arrives in various formats, such as text, images, audio and video. Furthermore, the data can vary in nature, being structured, semi-structured or unstructured. This variability in data formats requires flexible and fine-tuned processing techniques to assure standardisation and consistency.

4- Veracity: While the general rule of “more data equals better insights” is true, the quality of the data is a crucial factor in obtaining those insights. A deep understanding of how the data is structured and a rigorous analysis of the data is a must to ensure that the data can produce actual, usable insights. This is usually achieved by “cleaning” the raw data to remove unwanted outliers.

5- Value: Extracting value from the data is one of the most difficult challenges data scientists face, regardless of application context. Producing meaningful insights from large quantities of data often requires a deep understanding of what the data contains, such as possible patterns, trends and correlations.

Data science provides the tools and methodologies to make sense of this massive information landscape to overcome these challenges. From advanced statistical and computational techniques to decipher patterns, correlations, and trends within the data, data science is crucial for our progressively digital world.

Navigating the Sea of Information

Big data and data science are charting a new course for the future. With the power of extracting trends, metrics and patterns from colossal-sized data sets, data science can provide unparalleled meaningful insights to businesses, researchers and organizations. As the data landscape continues to expand and evolve, so do technologies, ethical considerations, and the challenges posed by the constant growth of these data sets. As such, adaptability is vital.

In this transformative journey, big data and data science reshape industries by driving innovation and powering a more innovative and informed world. The voyage into the sea of information is just beginning, and the possibilities are limitless.

Big Data and data science are charting a new course for the future, enabling businesses, researchers, and organizations to gain unparalleled insights. As the data landscape expands, adapting to evolving technologies, ethical considerations, and challenges posed by ever-growing datasets is crucial. During this transformative journey, Big Data and data science are reshaping industries, driving innovation, and uncovering insights that have the power to shape a smarter and more informed world. The voyage into the sea of information is just beginning, and the possibilities are limitless.

This has been my perspective on big data and data science and how I view my role as a data scientist at Ubiwhere. I want to express my appreciation for this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences.

