Ubiwhere’s employee welcome kit

How can HR adapt to the new reality

Andreia Morgado


Recruitment and selection process in times of pandemic

Talking about Recruitment and Selection in the IT area is talking about a crazy and wild world, but calm down, don’t be scared! 😁

Let me explain: given the boom that this area has had in recent years, there has been a great growth of companies related to this theme, having increased the number of offers and, consequently, demand, which means that those who follow this area have a wide range of opportunities and challenges.

Therefore, the market is extremely attractive as it is in constant motion, which causes a high turnover of company elements making the Recruitment and Selection process in this area quite crazy.

I know I know, you must think I’m crazy too. In fact, this passion arose when I started my professional career and I realized that the Human Resources area fascinated me … well, I said the Human Resources area and not the Informatics area. In my mind, IT was useful for any activity related to computers. Still, I soon realized that it was not the case, which led me to be even more intrigued and curious about what the future could reserve me in this area.

After embracing this passion and, beginning my journey, looking for technical profiles and, the whole Recruitment and Selection process, the world surprises us and puts us all in confinement.

From one moment to the next, we are obliged to reformulate the entire R&S process. Contrary to what it may seem, little has changed in this process. Most of our applications reach us through our website and, through the sourcing carried out by the HR team. Initially, the first contact is also made remotely using skype and/or hangouts, so far so good, nothing different. However, the second moment of this process, we meet with the candidate in person intending to present him the facilities of the Ubiwhere and also ourselves. Well, as you may have already noticed, we also opted for the virtual aspect, using the same platforms (Skype and/or hangouts). For the presentation of the proposal, we are contacting the candidates by phone and sending it by email.

After the Recruitment and Selection process is completed, the onboarding process begins.

But, after all, what is onboarding?

It is the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new employee with one’s products or services.

Before the new employees join our team, an individual plan is created that will enhance the qualities of each profile as well as professional and personal growth that is accompanied by a previously defined mentor.

Given the current reality, this whole process is happening in a virtual way where we introduce the culture and values that are ​​present everyday at Ubiwhere.

Ubiwhere’s online onboarding session

In order not to neglect the good integration of the new elements, they are invited to participate in our (virtual) Daily coffee before the welcoming session so that they can share with us a little about their lives, hobbies and aspirations and so that all other employees can warmly welcome them.

These are times we never thought to live in, and which required a great adaptation. However, the results obtained have been quite positive, which were achieved through a great effort and teamwork.

And for that very reason, I end with a special thanks to my fantastic colleagues who, during this situation, have become great friends. ❤️

With Love,

Andreia Morgado

