The summer will fade but the interns will last forever

A wrap up of our summer internship 2022

Inês Estácio Reis
5 min readSep 29, 2022


Rafael, Tiago, Tatiana, Inês, André, Bruna, Marcos, Pedro and Gonçalo

After two years of no summer internships, we finally have the opportunity to open up for new interns in 2022. Summer internships are an excellent way for Ubiwhere to prepare young students for the job market and attract potential interns or future employees. It is also an opportunity for both — the interns and the company — to create synergies and learn from each other through this connection.

Beyond this, essential points to keep in mind when you apply for a summer internship:

→ You will develop new skills, which you don’t learn at the university

→ You will discover what you like best, but also what you don’t like

→ You will improve your resume

→ You will make contacts

… And so many other things. Remember that the important thing is to get out of your comfort zone. It’s the new challenges that make us grow!

Our team came together with this in mind and built a two-month program providing the opportunity to:

  • Develop a closed product within the scope of the Mobility Platform;
  • Create synergies between different teams;
  • Improve Ubiwhere’s internal soft skills regarding team and/ or people management;
  • Get closer to the academy and new technological areas such as Computational Engineering;
  • Enhance the internal knowledge in firmware, data science and simulation of real environments.

We put together the master keys for the entire program ideation and all the communication channels in place, interviewed dozens of candidates, and voilà, our summer internship kicked off!

The Summer Internship 2022 planned to develop a product in Scrum methodology with bi-monthly analysis sprints. Also, based on a closed product, the team was structured as follows:

Communication diagram of the development team

Internal Team

  • 2 Product Owners
  • 1 Data Engineer;
  • 1 Firmware Developer.

Intern Team

  • Firmware team composed by one developer;
  • Backend team composed by two developers;
  • Data team composed by two developers;
  • 1 DevOps Engineer.

Considering the current situation of the company, in which employees work essentially in a remote environment (hybrid one), the same scenario was applied to the Summer Internship 2022. Therefore, about 90% of the internship was developed remotely and 10% in person so that the interns could get to know each other and interact with Ubiwhere’s internal team. In this way, each of the interns was given the possibility to manage their own time and go to the office whenever they wished.

We had two months of intensive mentoring. Here, the trainees were able to rely on:

→ Informal and fun introduction of who they were and what they do to the entire Ubiwhere universe

→ Meetings every other day with the technical guidance team

→ Status and brainstorming meetings as a team

→ Personalized follow-up of satisfaction and motivation to work on strengths and overcome weaknesses

→ Active participation in company dynamics, such as team buildings, monthly breakfasts, weekly morning coffees and small internal parties

Pedro, Rafael, Gonçalo, Bruna and Tiago at our Padel and Picnic Day (Marcos is missing but was with us in mind)

The final feedback was very good. We can only be thankful for your commitment, dedication and extreme motivation to go along with all the proposed challenges.

My 2-month internship as a backend developer at Ubiwhere has, unfortunately, ended.

During this time, I’ve had the opportunity of working with amazing technologies such as docker containers, time-series databases, and web APIs.

Thank you to Ubiwhere for the challenge and for taking me in as part of the team!

Pedro Ferreira, Backend Developer

Last September 23, I finished what was the first stage in my professional life as a summer intern at Ubiwhere.

Two months of work, but above all, two months of new experiences both professionally and socially. I had the privilege of working with an incredible team in an extremely welcoming business environment.

I thank Ubiwhere for providing me with this great opportunity for personal and professional development.

Tiago Correia, Data Engineer

On September 23, I finished a stage in my life, my first summer internship at Ubiwhere.

It was two months where I was part of a multi-skilled, respectful and diverse company. During this period, I had the opportunity, together with the team, to develop software that would directly impact on the user.

So I express my appreciation to the entire team at Ubiwhere, who made this opportunity possible, and to all the teammates with whom I worked intensively to turn a product idea into something that now exists!

Marcos Mendes, Data Engineer

Today, September 23rd, marks the end of another stage in my life, this time as a summer intern at Ubiwhere.

They were two welcoming months where I learned a lot and where I felt I was part of a team that at the beginning, was not mine, but now will not stop being so.

I would like to leave a word of thanks to Ubiwhere for the opportunity they gave me and to all those who were part of my day-to-day life, for their patience and for always being so helpful.

Our bond doesn’t end here. It will just take another shape.

Therefore, this is not goodbye… But instead, see you soon!

Bruna Pires, DevOps Engineer

To everyone who has contributed to this project, setting aside a torrid beach vacation to burn neurons and developing innovation behind a computer: you are the best!

To the trainees: Bruna, Tiago, Marcos, Gonçalo, Pedro and Rafael. We’ve learned so much from you guys. It’s now time for new challenges!

To the internal team: Tatiana Cruz, Rita Santiago, André Duarte, Roni Sabença and Daniel Carvalho. Such a unique example of teamwork!

Ubi-kudos to all! 🍌

See you next year,

Inês Reis

People and Culture Manager at Ubiwhere



Inês Estácio Reis

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