UBIX Network January 19th AMA with Max Breus

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2022

Co-Founder and CEO of UBIX Network, Max Breus, hosted the tech-based firm’s first live AMA of 2022 on January 19th. Max focused his 90-minute AMA speaking about some noteworthy developments / updates and announced a ground-breaking partnership for SilentNotary.

Max graciously provided an update on the past, present and future of the UBIX Network, in his words: “We have officially surpassed the stage of a mini ‘garage-like start-up,’ where our group of technological enthusiasts developed revolutionary ideas. We have passed the point of creating prototypes and testing products / service. Our network is stable, and we already have over 100,000 blocks in the network. This was just 2021!

A few highlights of the AMA are:

  • A revolutionary partnership was announced between SilentNotary and Langia–otherwise referred to as the “Metaverse of Language Services.” Langia–a Canadian-based Translation Platform–is the most advanced certified translation and interpretation platform powered by ai word count for instant quoting and seamless project assignment system. The company works with over 12,000 certified and professional translators and interpreters fluent in 176 languages.
  • Future partnership announcements were discussed.
  • The announcement of bi-weekly AMA’s.
  • A brand new 2022 UBIX Network Roadmap was released. The full-length Roadmap can be found here: https://t.co/9mJxkthAMQ.
  • A technical / detailed UBIX Network Whitepaper was released. The latest Whitepaper can be found here: https://t.co/VEmcZSjmPd
  • The UBIX Network’s / SilentNotary’s progress and future goals were discussed in 3 major categories:
  1. The Development of our Network (The UBIX Network Protocol)
  2. The Development of our Super App — Ubikiri
  3. The Development of our Services




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