UBIX Exchange FAQ

Interview with CPO Savva Poliakov

5 min readDec 23, 2022


UBIX Exchange — the new listing era for young start-up projects

What does a UBIX.Exchange offer users that they can’t get elsewhere?

The exchange is geared towards young start-up projects.

The main difference is the absence of commission for listing.

Listing costs are often higher than development costs, which prevents young start-up talents from developing their ideas. This factor has an extremely negative impact on industry innovation, and does not allow young start-up talents to fulfill their ideas. We provide talented teams with a convenient and free platform to enter the market at an early stage. Their projects will be able to attract liquidity and investments. We provide the following services:

  • free primary placement of tokens (IEO / Auction),
  • projects’ blogs with information for investors,
  • integration with other innovative UBIX projects, and many other helpful functions.

Who do you intend to compete against?

We don’t know of any other exchanges that provide a completely free listing procedure (without notifying the organizer of the auction), and at the same time have average market trading commissions. Of course, we monitor all competitors. Our main task is to make a unique product.

What projects have we lined up to list on our exchange?

At the moment we are searching and selecting first projects. The projects are from the following fields of activity:

  • fintech,
  • legal tech, Internet of Things and others.

If you personally want to add any ETH token or UBX token, you can do it right now in a few clicks. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a member of the development team or a crypto project. You only need to have this token in any quantity.

For any questions about the listing, write to me on TG.

Given all the turmoil in crypto exchanges lately, what sort of things do you intend to do to earn the trust of users and regulators?

The UBIX Company has been successfully developing its products since 2017, which deserves the trust of the community. UBIX.Exchange is officially registered and also has an office in Dubai. From the legal side, we only provide a platform for projects to place assets and conduct auctions. To ensure true freedom and decentralization, we do not conduct a deep analysis of the project before listing. Accordingly, we are not responsible for the origin of the assets.

The security department of UBIX.Exchange constantly monitors all developments related to fraud. With the help of monitoring, control, and all-encompassing protection measures, no loss of digital assets has ever occurred on the platform. We apply and respect all user protection standards. And the system also uses a reliable server infrastructure. It seems to me that thanks to these factors, users can trust us.

What plans do you have for UBXE in the short term (six months)? Long term?

At the moment we are selling only 461,479 UBXE. With these funds, we are launching the second stage of product development. This will be the largest update of the system. You can read the list of updates in our presentation in the SandBox (note, that you need to be a Ubikiri registered user in order to have full access).
We expect that the improvement of the platform will lead to a large-scale increase in the capitalization, and accordingly the price of the UBXE token will grow. It is also important to understand that the price of all tokens strongly depends on the global trend. In my personal opinion, now is the right time to buy crypto assets. When the crypto market turns in the opposite direction, our platform will be in demand, as a free listing will be very enticing. Accordingly, the UBXE token can be the beneficiary of the next wave of growth!

Why we are developing our own exchange?

UBIX.Exchange plays a very important role in the ecosystem. For example, projects released on UBIX Network will be able to be placed at the exchange. We are also currently integrating 4Tokens, Ubixpay and UbiStake products. All these products complement and reinforce each other with UBIX.Exchange. Since we provide free placement services, we expect a significant increase in the number of projects on UBIX.Exchange. This will increase the UBIX community and benefit all UBIX products.

The UI seems a bit difficult to work with and the color scheme isn’t great, will this be revised?

At the moment we have two interface options — light and dark.
When designing the exchange interface, we were guided by two principles:

  1. Convenience and simplicity (minimalism).
  2. The best world practices.

We are continuously working on improving the interface and adding technical features. We will change the design of the start page in the coming months. The next step after this, we will update the interface of the trading terminal.

Can you explain UBXE tokens value to the project?

The UBXE token is a SAFE contract (Simple Agreement for Future Equity). It’s a real stake in the UBIX.Exchange that can be legally registered, bringing daily dividends to UBXE holders. The exchange’s income is distributed among all UBXE holders. For example, an investor who owns 200,000 UBXE earns 10% of the total income!

UBIX.Exchange profit consists of the following commissions:

  • Trading,
  • MarketMaker,
  • Launchpad (Primary Placement, Section Auction),
  • Trading bots, etc.

Will marketing for the exchange increase? Will adverts be put on popular crypto places?

Yes, of course, the marketing budget will be increased. One of the important marketing channels for us is attracting new projects and increasing the community. We also strive to list on platforms with ratings of exchanges. Advertising in popular places is always expensive, and not always effective. Just now we are carefully considering a marketing strategy. We are not the kind of project that will buy ads from popular bloggers just for the sake of it. But we will spend this money on improving the platform. Our advertising will be targeted and effective!

Where do you see the exchange in 3 years?

After 3 years, we see UBIX as the leader in our segment, included in the ratings of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. Our segment is an exchange for beginner projects with a free listing.

What are the challenges you face?

Initially, we had problems with the creation of the legal structure of the exchange. But these problems have already been solved! At the moment, we are solving the tasks of attracting liquidity providers and new projects. Recently, exchanges have been facing the problem of declining trust. But, UBIX is an exchange for beginner projects and startups. The problems of large projects are not typical for them. I mean, for example, attracting large investors. As well as the sources of origin of their investments.

We believe that there are no unsolvable problems. There are only obstacles in our way! We believe that our honesty and our hard work will allow us to succeed.




A Digital Universe with Endless Possibilities. Join the future of DAG: https://t.me/UBIX_Network