UBREW meets Goose Island

Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2016

Last Wednesday saw UBREW place host to Goose Island for a Meet the Brewer / Collaboration Brew / Beer Tasting extravaganza! Tim Faith (Innovation Brewer) and his team left Chicago and headed to our humble South Bermondsey arch.

After a short introduction from Tim, things kicked off in the brewing arch with a UBREW — Goose Island collaboration, followed by a group brewing session under the watchful eye of our brewsters interspersed with tips and techniques from Tim.

The theme of the night was experimentation, Tim’s forte, and so every brew featured the catchily titled ADHA529 hop featuring a flavour profile of coconut, lemon, mint and green tea.

“I learnt a load about the process (and getting some tips from Tim was really good) and had a good time along with the other new folks we met and brewed with.” @ChrisJHawley

Between brew stages the Goose Island team hosted a series of tastings featuring a selection of their Vintage Ales series. These included Matilda — a Belgian Style Pale Ale fermented with wild Brettanomyces, and Sofie — a Belgian Style Farmhouse ale aged in wine barrels. The final beer tasting of the evening was of Bourbon County Stout — an Imperial Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels ‘as dark and dense as a black hole’, at 14.3% this was certainly one to finish off the evening.

“What I learnt was that there is some amazing creativity going on at Goose and that experimental hops are amazing! It also reaffirmed what I already knew about UBREW in that it is a fantastic place to go and enjoy some drinks, brew and hang out with mates.” @craftbeerjeremy

If you were unfortunate enough to miss this awesome event, fear not! We have a follow up event on Sunday 13th March. Goose Island are heading back to Bermondsey for a tasting of their Barrel Aged series and Sour Sisters, the ticket also includes a free dinner at the Jugged Hare.

Book your tickets here!




Open brewery. Beer brewed by you, with a community built for you.