Welcome Back UCB SWE!

UC Berkeley Society of Women Engineers
UC Berkeley SWE
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2020

By Allison Nguyen

Allison Nguyen, VP Internal Relations

Welcome back to a new school year with a fall semester like no other! SWE is excited to welcome you back with open arms :) Whether you are continuing classes this semester or taking the semester off to focus on yourself or on a job, I have so much respect and admiration for your commitment to growth during such a challenging and uncertain time. I am continually amazed by all of you! Whether you are a freshmxn, transfer student, or a continuing student, I think we are all facing feelings of both excitement and nervousness about what’s to come this semester. It’s important to remember that, though you might feel isolated and alone, both physically and emotionally, there are so many others out there who can relate and are experiencing similar situations and feelings. As cheesy as this might sound, I think that the virtual atmosphere has called for many of us to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Whether that be overcoming those awkward silences in breakout rooms, running into technical difficulties when hosting Zoom events, or having your parents walk in during a Zoom lecture, the daily virtual life can be challenging — and maybe a bit embarrassing at times — but just remember that someone across the screen might be feeling the exact same way. So, even though we will all be embarking on our own individual journeys this semester, we are experiencing the virtual world together, with all of its ups and downs. We hope that SWE can become a place of belonging and community for you and a place that reminds you that you are not alone!

SWE is working as hard as possible to organize fun events to welcome our current members and our new members! Join the SWE Slack, Facebook page, and Facebook group to stay up to date on all the ways you can stay involved in the SWE community this upcoming semester. I understand that it might seem intimidating and slightly uncomfortable to hop onto a Zoom call with people you’ve never met or maybe never really talked to before (I feel this, too!) but we really would love to see you this semester. We also are experiencing and overcoming these feelings and challenges that come with learning and socializing in the virtual world, and we want you to feel like you have a community to support and empower you throughout this semester. I, like you, am excited and nervous all at once, but I’m thankful for all my SWE friends who give me motivation and support ❤.

SWE Officers at retreat Fall 2019, Santa Cruz

I want to challenge you to think about this semester in terms of progress and growth. Make sure to take the time to appreciate yourself and acknowledge everything you are doing to work towards your goals. Sometimes, when I catch myself in a negative headspace, I like to think about my daily life in terms of a progress bar, where the only thing I can do is add points to it! For example, take the following: let’s say you spent some time trying out a new recipe instead of spending time studying. Rather than beating yourself down on your “progress bar” and thinking of it as “-10 points in productivity,” think of, instead, as “+10 points in creativity!” Perhaps, you went 15 minutes over-time on a Zoom call talking to a friend when you could’ve spent that time watching 15 minutes of a pre-recorded lecture for the day. Rather than thinking of it as “-10 points in learning,” think of it as “+10 points in friendship and bonding.” Now, I am not saying to set your responsibilities aside (if only!) but, I am saying that it’s important to have a balance and to celebrate life. Personal growth isn’t just about academic growth, even though it can seem that way because it feels like we are stuck at home with only school on our to-do lists. But, if you look at growth holistically and focus on progress and balance, I think this semester will be a lot less daunting and a lot more exciting. :) You should never feel bad or guilty for needing to rest, reset, or focus on yourself. You will only be getting closer to achieving your goals. I can’t wait to meet you or talk to you more in SWE, and I am always open for conversation about anything!

SWE Officers at retreat Spring 2020, SF

Allison Nguyen

Vice President of Internal Relations

UC Berkeley SWE



UC Berkeley Society of Women Engineers
UC Berkeley SWE

The UC Berkeley SWE section supports students through professional development, social events and outreach to young women interested in the STEM field.