Meaningful work & great culture has kept Sourabh at UC for 6+ years now…

UC Blogger
Urban Company – Culture
3 min readNov 9, 2022

Sourabh Goyal joined us in 2016 and is now a Senior Engineering Manager.

I was always enticed by software development as it blesses you with the power of creation. I realized its true potential when I joined Urban Company in 2016. Immediately after joining, I embarked upon a journey of building various business defining capabilities, and the best part of it was that I could actually see various metrics moving every day with the code I was shipping.

Sourabh’s growth journey at Urban Company.

At Urban Company, though I started as an SDE-2, it never hindered me from growth and opportunities to learn.

Being added to all the discussions around product development and life cycle provided 360 degree exposure and learning, while getting hands-on experience on the latest tech stack.

This helped me in getting groomed for future challenges when I was promoted to SDE-3 and then Engineering Manager. As a SDE-3 and Engineering Manager, I was given the opportunity to reimagine and to solve matchmaking and capacity for the fulfillment business from scratch. This exposed me to not just think engineering nuances but also think from a product and business point of view.

Working directly with stakeholders and leadership provided an opportunity to learn from the best of the brains on how to think both tactically and strategically.

Though managing a team for the first time was a rollercoaster ride itself, it was both humbling and an eye-opening experience.

Life took a crazy turn last year when I moved from marketplace to supply engineering. As a Senior Engineering Manager, I was given the task to solve partner engagement and culture.

Building something which is less algorithmic and more directly human facing, has opened new avenues for both learning & creating direct impact, while getting mentored under extremely competent leadership.

I recently completed 6 years at UC, and there are two things which still keeps me going:

  1. Meaningful work: Urban Company has transformed the lives of thousands of service professionals. Right from increasing their earnings, upskilling them, to getting them the respect they deserve. Every line of code that gets shipped at Urban Company has some positive impact on the lives of deserving service professionals on the platform, while making lives of our customers easier. This gives me a sense of satisfaction that I am contributing to society through my skills, and making the world a better place to live.
  2. People & Culture: From chai time casual conversations to brain melting problem solving and discussions, everyday at Urban Company offers something new and exciting. Watching extremely sharp and talented peers and leaders pushing themselves everyday towards achieving mammoth goals for the organization and themselves is something truly inspirational. However, not only do we work hard, we party hard as well. Urban Company’s culture has been fair, meritocratic and rewarding, while making sure that each employee is treated like a close family member. Observing leadership, taking tough but right calls, and responding to various situations over the years, especially during covid times, has strengthened my faith further.

Sounds like fun?
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UC Blogger
Urban Company – Culture

The author of stories from inside Urban Company (owner of Engineering, Design & Culture blogs)