Customer Service Experience with

Sheel Vora
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2019

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” Bill Gates

Customer service is one of those terms that I used to hear on a daily basis in the most general sense, but its importance was put into perspective by the visit of Mike Faith, the CEO of and most importantly a Customer service fanatic.

Mike Faith’s Classroom Visit

UC Davis MSBA has a reputation of bringing in tremendous guest speakers to engage with students and talk about various aspects of the professional world and the day-to-day challenges of business and we couldn’t have asked for a better start to the 2019 part of our program having Mike Faith as the first guest speaker. Thanks to Professor Sanjay Saigal, we got the opportunity to interact with a successful entrepreneur and the force behind selling premium quality office headsets from and Leitner headsets in the US and offering customer service of the highest quality.

Mike Faith, Founder CEO of interacting with the class of UC Davis MSBA at San Francisco

My biggest takeaway from the session was the importance that needs to be given to customers and why it is necessary to give that aspect the highest priority as it is the service that is the criteria that make the customer want to hold on to the company. Mike emphasized highly on how important it is to have a positive and sincere approach towards the customer not only while assisting with a service but also once the assistance is over as these aspects contribute towards an employee’s attitude towards customer service.

Applying it to Practicum

Mike also covered certain guidelines of customer service that we could apply to our practicum. Playing the role of a ‘consultant’ for our MSBA Industry Partners (MIP), we should be thinking of them as our customers and try to understand their requirements, empathize with their problem and go the extra half mile to solve the problem.


Following our career development team’s advice to connect with people we meet through our program, I connected with Mike via LinkedIn and in return, Mike was extremely kind to give an opportunity to visit their office. Me and four of my fellow classmates, Abhinav Chatterji, Ashwin Suresh, Ashish Ranshinge and Rohan Ranshinge visited’s office and got an understanding of how their business works. Mike was very generous to give us his valuable time talking about his journey, challenges he faces and gave us some valuable insights about how we could network more with business professionals. We also got a chance to interact with few of the employees and learned about their take on customer service, saw the analytics work being done there (using tools like Google Analytics, Microsoft Power BI, SQL, etc.) and took away a lot of valuable insights about career and working in the professional world.

L to R: Rohan Ranshinge, Abhinav Chatterji, Mike Faith, Ashwin Kumar Suresh, Sheel Vora, Ashish Ranshinge

About the author

Sheel Vora is currently an MSBA graduate student at UC Davis from Ahmedabad, India. He graduated from Penn State University with B.S. in Energy Engineering . He is a sports, music and travel enthusiast, loves playing racquet-based sports like tennis, squash and badminton and wishes to travel the entire world one day.

