Summary of the UChain Global Beta Event

Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2018

The UChain Global Beta event has been successfully held for participants from our global community from December 12th to December 14th. We are pleased that this test has piqued the interest from technologically apt users around the world and was received positively in the UChain community. Participants exchanged impressions and discussions in our dedicated TG channel and came up with a lot of constructive feedback.

The detailed results are as follows: After a week’s notice in the community and preparation by the UChain R&D team, the testnet generated a total of 510,000 blocks and hundred thousands of transactions.

The number of global users reached 90 although our R&D team was targeting 50 for this phase of deployment. The final submission of the testing included 25 user transfers, 17 successfully redeemed rewards and 4 successful votes. Also, 3 users successfully became miners with 510,000 vouchers rewarded.

We are also happy to report that 7 of our users submitted a total of 16 bugs and several issues that will be addressed immediately.

During the testing our community users were actively involved via the dedicated TG channel, and our developers have provided technical support promptly answering questions to to ensure that the users can carry out the test smoothly.

After the testing, participants have filled out the provided forms to claim their rewards for contributing to this phase of testnet deployment, as well as report bugs and issues via our github. We would like to use this opportunity to thank them once again and inform them that the rewards have been distributed to the provided addresses.

All issues recorded during testing can be found here. We would like invite everybody to stay tuned to our Github and other media since the next public test will include 21 miners and users who did not test the miner role this time may need to register beforehand. More information will be announced closer to the next phase of testing!

Thank you for your support,
The UChain Team

UChain — The next generation distributed smart network blockchain for the sharing economy.

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