UChain Bi-weekly Report #10

Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018


This article will be interpreting, summarizing and evaluating ecosystem development of UChain from the last two weeks, based on project progress, the main website, and community development.

The UChain team has entered the 16th & 17th week of closed R&D. The progress will be outlined below, starting with UPOS:


UIP 0.1 developmenthas been completed


Nearing completion of UIP 0.2 development

1. UPOS block generation (90%, realized PBFT)

2. Token — logic development (completed: publishing, issuance model, transaction transfers of ownership)


Detailed design and development for UIP 0.5 is ongoing

1. Detailed design of UID digital identity (80%)

2. UID registration on-chain (80%)

3. UID transaction processing (50%)

Other work

1. UIP 0.2 test documentation

2. Debugging of newly encoutered issues

3. UIP 0.2 public beta node deployment

4. UIP 0.2 internal last file deletion test

5. API filing

The JAVA beta has been completed

1. Establishment of the virtual machine environment

2. Translation of the user manual, embedding, and corresponding adjustments for the terms of service of the UChain wallet

3. Blockchain data access plugin testing

4. Design revision for cli


1. Blockchain data access plugin (60%)

2. Establishment of the virtual machine environment unit testing (60%)

Based on the results of the unit tests, the virtual machine adds or modifies the necessary environment components until the process can be completed successfully.

3. Debugging of the virtual machine contract transactions (30%)

The deployment of a contract is a complex transaction. The UChain team is trying to deploy a simple contract while building a streamlined environment to perform transactions.

Web version of the light UWallet

The beta development of the web version of the light UWallet has been completed. This wallet played an important role in the community beta activity on December 12–14. There are still some minor bugs that need to be fixed. Please stay tuned for the official launch announcement.


On December 12th, the Global Beta for UChain UIP 2.0 has commenced and ended on December 14th. This testing program has generated widespread attention from people around the world and has received great feedback within the UChain community, especially in our overseas community. People participated in discussions and shared many constructive suggestions which will be taken into account for further development of our platform.

Technical meeting on December 14th

Community updates

1. UChain hosted the UChain Global Beta — both domestic and overseas community members have actively participated in the program. The number of participants counted over 100 people. We have rewarded 25 people, and more than 10 bugs were submitted.

2. The UChain Testnet Beta program offers a teaching video, especially for those who want to participate in the test but who lack the required basic skills. Our community partners also provided suggestions which made the teaching methods even more accessible.

UChain is the first public infrastructure blockchain specifically designed for the global sharing economy. Along with other sharing economy enterprises, UChain aims to build its underlying blockchain network to solve the current problems of trust and data abuse. Exercising API’s and SDK’s provided by UChain, all sharing economy enterprises are able to issue their own token and build their application on top of the UChain network, together making UChain a better global autonomous sharing economy ecosystem.

UChain — The next generation distributed smart network blockchain for the sharing economy.

Telegram (EN): https://t.me/UChainEcosystem
Telegram (CN): https://t.me/uchaingroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UChainEcosystem
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/UChain
Website: https://uchain.world

Contact email: info@uchain.world

