UChain Bi-weekly Report #11

December 17th — 30th

3 min readJan 14, 2019


This bi-weekly report provides the most up-to-date information on UChain development from three different perspectives: Project Progress, News Updates and Community Activities.

Project Progress

The UChain development team working on research and development of the testnet is entering into the 18th — 19th week. The progress of the projects is shown below:

UPOS Version

The detailed design of UIP0.5 is completed, with Phase I structural testing ongoing and Phase II under development:

1. UID Digital ID design (100%)

2. UID Registration connection to the chain (100%)

3. UID types of trades (90%)

4. Lock positions, register for candidates, token release and binding with UID (90%)

5. UIP0.5 Phase I testing (80%)

6. Count miners’ votes, with periodical votes converted to mining ownership structures (60%)

7. UPOS timestamp algorithm | skip the array if the block is not successfully mined within the first 3 seconds (20%)

Other Projects

1. Fixed issues in the new testing phase

2. Blockchain Explorer analysis algorithms and outline design etc.

3. Blockchain Explorer back-end development and server sensitive interface blockage

JAVA Testing Version Progress is Completed

1. UChain contract deployment — Transaction Storing Plan design

2. Fixed the transaction data series bug (glitches used to happen during serializing and reverse serializing when transaction data is oversized)

3. Virtual machine environment unit testing

4. UWallet interface adjustment (there were slacks in UWallet’s interactivity; they have recently improved and complemented interaction logic)

5. Transaction logic was written after the smart contract execution

In Progress

1. Virtual machine | smart contract trading testing (80%) (Simple smart contract deployment is compiled and operational; more complex contracts are being deployed)

2. UWallet node switching function (10%)

3. Transaction record tracking service (30%) (UWallet search query details require independent service to guarantee the reliability; the framework has been completed, awaiting adjustment)

News Updates

World’s First Self-Service Mining Scooter | U.B.Group has Introduced HAWK, a Crypocurrency Mining Scooter

Hawk is the first dApp built on UChain, connected to its shared network and able to share global data. The scooter riders will obtain earnings right after scanning the QR code and starting the ride.

Community Activities

1. UChain’s first dApp HAWK has officially gone online. Overseas community members are actively involved in HAWK communication. To learn more about HAWK’s business model, please refer to the original article and join HAWK’s official community: https://t.me/HawkGlobalGroup

2. Community partners are actively supporting HAWK’s promotion, sharing HAWK in the IoT communities and contributing to establishing HAWK’s reputation.

UChain is the first public infrastructure blockchain specifically designed for the global sharing economy. Along with other sharing economy enterprises, UChain aims to build its underlying blockchain network to solve the current problems of trust and data abuse. Exercising API’s and SDK’s provided by UChain, all sharing economy enterprises are able to issue their own token and build their application on top of the UChain network, together making UChain a better global autonomous sharing economy ecosystem.

UChain — The next generation distributed smart network blockchain for the sharing economy.

Telegram (EN): https://t.me/UChainEcosystem
Telegram (CN): https://t.me/uchaingroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UChainEcosystem
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/UChain
Website: https://uchain.world

Contact email: info@uchain.world

