Weekly Report #5 (4th Oct — 11th Oct)

Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

This article will be summarising and evaluating development of UChain from the last week, based on project progress, website updates, and community development.

— Project Progress —


  1. Block Generation (100%) Detailed confirmation and realization of transactions, which is inputted onto the relevant block.
  2. RPC Module (100%) The framework interface has been built with command invoking and resolving.
  3. Client Module (100%) Application entry and input parameter resolution have been completed.
  4. Data Synchronization (100%) The selected node compares the block height with the other connected nodes and synchronizes the block data.
  5. Fork DB Mechanism (100%) The block is not processed in the fork DB, and is only temporarily stored. The longest chain data is saved separately from the fork.


  1. Level DB Rollback Mechanism (80%) The implementation of DB session, when rollback is needed, to ensure the data consistency is based on correct session information.
  2. Client Command Implementation (30%) Frame has been established. The command will the added accordingly when needed.

Our R&D team pay close attention to the latest developments in the cutting-edge technology of the global blockchain. We have seen many teams who have achieved outstanding results. Based on the above reasons, after deep communication with local companies and partners, as well as internal discussions, we decided to make major adjustments and upgrades to the technical framework proposed in the original white paper, unfortunately, causing some delay to our Testnet launch estimate. Please refer to this article for more information.

— Community Update —


  1. Sharing Session of ‘BlockTech’ Blockchain Technology.

On September 28th, UChain Technical Director Mr. Xiong Ying, Senior Architect, Mr.Yang Guanglu, and Product Manager Mr.Liu Biao, shared the history of the blockchain development, and status of the blockchain architecture from Bitcoin.

-Current UCN Exchanges-

UChain (UCN) recently listed on multiple exchanges for our community to be able to trade with ease.

UCN is currently available on the following exchanges:

- UEX (Official Exchange)

  • Hotbit
  • Bilaxy
  • IDAX
  • Coineal

-Community Activities & Development-

UChain community partners can participate in the decision-making of our UChain development, with community partners being able to receive UCN as a reward. For those who are interested, please join our ever-growing UChain community by scanning the QR code on WeChat.

As always, thank you for your continuous support!

UChain Team




The next generation distributed smart network blockchain for the sharing economy. Visit us at https://uchain.world