Denim Day 2021 - “Jeans: An Alibi for Rape”

Micaela Ang
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2021

Trigger Warning: Sexual Violence

As we enter the month of April, we also recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Beginning in 2001, this campaign is aimed toward raising public awareness about sexual assault and teaching communities preventative action against sexual violence.

During this month we also recognize another important day, April 28th, Denim Day. Beginning in 1999, Denim day was created by Peace Over Violence, as part of an international protest of an Italian Supreme Court decision to overturn a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans.

In 1992 southern Italy, a 45-year old driving instructor raped an 18-year-old victim during her first driving lesson. The suspect was then arrested after the victim reported the rape, however, he was only initially convicted on the charge of indecent exposure in a public place. It was only when she appealed the case that the assailant would be convicted of all charges, including rape, and given a jail sentence.

However, in 1999 the rape suspect appealed the rape sentence, on the basis that the sex was consensual. The Head Judge argued, “Because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them… and by removing the jeans… it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” By her helping the suspect in removing the jeans the act was no longer considered rape but consensual sex. This became known both throughout Italy and worldwide as the “jeans alibi.” Eventually, the case made its way to the Italian High Court where the rape conviction was overturned and he was released.

Four women from the Italian Parliament protesting by wearing jeans and carrying signs with roughly one word each saying “Jeans Alibi Per Stupro”. This saying translates to “Jeans: An Alibi for Rape
Women of Italian Parliament Protest the Overturn of Rape Case

Following the Italian High Court decision, women in the Italian Parliament wore jeans and held signs reading “Jeans Alibi Per Stupro” translating to “ Jeans: An Alibi for Rape. Following this, the California Senate and Assembly followed suit with similar forms of protest and as a sign of support.

Due to the rising infamy of the case in ’99, Patti Occhiuzzo Giggans, the Executive Director of Peace over Violence, was moved to call attention to the myths surrounding rape culture. Calling on everyone to wear jeans as an act of solidarity and protest. Thus in 1999, Peace Over Violence organized the first Denim day.

A woman in all denim stands speaking behind a podium. Behind her, a large crowd stands in solidarity, many of which are also wearing denim.
Patti Giggans, Executive director of POV (Peace Over Violence) and founder of Denim day speaking at the L.A. Denim Day Rally in 2018

In the 22 years since the overturn court ruling, and first official denim day, the movement has been adopted globally, launching in over 100 countries. In recent years, with movements prominent on social media such as #YesAllWomen, #WhatWereYouWearing, #TimesUp, and #MeToo, the deep roots of sexual violence in society have been brought to the public eye. Online spaces have allowed a greater amount of individuals to have their voices heard and advocate not only for sexual violence awareness but call for systemic changes to society's approach to sexual violence.

Calling for preventative education to be taught to youth. Rather than teaching children methods to lower their risk of being attacked, educating them on the importance of bodily autonomy and consent from an early age. Followed with active bystander intervention and calling for accountability.

There is still work to be done, but we can all contribute to a future free of sexual violence.

Remember if you would like to participate in Denim Day 2021, wear denim on April 28th. By participating you are showing an outward example of how a community can help change people’s perceptions of violence against members of the community. If you are in the UCI community consider participating in the Denim Day Contest by posing a picture of yourself in denim on social media with #UCIDenimDay. Change starts with us, talk about the court case and the other harmful myths that exist around sexual assault, together we can advocate for a safer world.

If you would like to learn more about Denim Day visit
If you would like to learn more about Sexual Assualt Awareness Month visit

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence consider the following resources:
UCI CARE at (949)‑824‑7273 or email M-F 8a.m.- 5p.m.

UCI Counseling Center at (949) 824–6457 offers 24-hour access to counselors by phone.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) (800) 656–4673 (HOPE)

Human Options 24-hour hotline at (877) 854–3594 provides resources, safety, and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse.

Waymakers’ 24-hour hotline at (949) 831–9110 (South OC) or (714) 957–2737 (North OC) provides resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault.

