enghub.io is live!

Roomie McRoomface is ready for use

Wilhelm Klopp
2 min readDec 5, 2016


Thanks to the hard work of Anirudh, Chris, Faiz, Henry, Jaromir, Martí, Vicky and after a few months of development, the room booking system for the new Engineering Hub is now live!

If you’re a UCL undergraduate in the Engineering Faculty check it out at enghub.io.


Where this mysterious hub actually is

If you’re a student, there are 4 (and soon 5) individual group working spaces you can book. If you’re a student society there are 2 large bookable social spaces.

Room Map

The rooms are named after emoji, of course 😁

Room Map


We’ve set up a uservoice page, so that you can give us feedback and tell us what features you’d like to see. Details are here: roomie.uservoice.com

API Documentation

enghub.io (or Roomie McRoomface as we still like to call it) was built API-first. This means you can build things on top of the system, extending it to fit your needs. Maybe a script that automatically books rooms for you every week, a Slack integration or an SMS bot? We’ve already seen folks build a mobile app and a twitter integration, and we can’t wait to see what’s coming next. You can find the documentation here: docs.enghub.io.

Open Source

enghub.io is open source! We’re on GitHub. github.com/techsoc/roomie_mcroomface

Happy booking!

With lots of ❤️,


This is a TechSoc project supported by the UCL Information Services Division and the UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences.

