Top Stories published by Uclusion in June of 2020

Gotchas with Service Workers and SPAs

Uclusion is a single page app (SPA), which means the browser doesn’t see very many navigation events while the user is going about their business. Service workers, by default, have the rule that only pages loaded by a service worker will handle their requests via…

Stopping memory leaks in AWS Amplify Hub

Uclusion makes extensive use of AWS Amplify Hub to allow components to subscribe to data change events. In Hub it’s really easy to create listeners :

Hub.listen('MY_CHANNEL', (data) => {
const { payload } = data;
// do something

The Story Behind Uclusion

We founded Uclusion to solve the problem of working on what is most important. Over the years we’ve had many experiences that led us to strongly believe there has to be a better way.

A tale of three development process disasters

Notes on S3 backed File Downloads

Uclusion recently introduced arbitrary file uploads to our Workspaces or Stories (we previously allowed only images), and there are a few implementation notes I’d like to record for posterity.

Tests, Promises and WebSockets

Uclusion is powered by an eventually consistent Rest API and uses WebSockets to inform the client when data changes server side. This means that any integration test that depends on writes happening in a sequence must integrate web sockets into it’s control flow.

Structuring your asynchronous communication

“Open offices” became popular without really studying what affect they would have. Similarly there is a tendency to adopt communication tools without paying much attention to results. Promoting your digital collaboration to first class citizen is more…

A mostly technical blog on how Uclusion software and startup was built.
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