How Teams Work with Uclusion

David Israel
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020

We’ve all seen that email is too silo’ed; important discussions get trapped and never see the light of day. However group chat has gone too far in the other direction:

Put the message in a #channel

Even if a Slack message is directed to one person, it should be posted in the appropriate channel and not via DM. Most of our channels correspond to a project, so you never know when another team member might need that information in the future. Following this rule has transformed Slack into a valuable archive that’s simple to search.

I’m not going explain why that’s madness — by now everyone has experienced that kind of garden hose of notifications and information and already knows all too well.

Uclusion recommends a different approach to sharing information with those that are not directly involved in your project:

  1. Put read only links to Uclusion stories into your code
  2. Put read only links to Uclusion Workspaces into a Team Workspace

To create a team Workspace

choose the first option above and name the Workspace with your team designation. Now invite everyone on your team to the Workspace.

Members of your team probably already have different projects they are working on in Uclusion Workspaces. For instance “V3 API”:

You’ll want to choose “Share a read only link” as you see above and then paste that link into the description of your team Workspace (the link will automatically have the name “V3 API” applied to it).

After everyone on your team has pasted in the Workspaces they are involved in you can share a read only link to this team Workspace for all to know what your team is doing. And since everyone on your team is a collaborator in the team Workspace they will be notified of all changes.

But that’s not all, in the past when you wanted to change your team process perhaps you had a retrospective meeting or a long email chain. If that is working for you then continue on, otherwise choose “Add Dialog”

and state the problem and possible solutions there:

Finally team level discussion can use the team Workspace’s structured communication options

