📣Cryptocurrency Market News Digest 06.06.2022–12.06.2022

Published in
Jun 13, 2022

📚In 2022 we continue our tradition! Every week UCoin publishes a short weekly cryptocurrency market news digest for you to stay informed on the latest trends. In this edition we look at what happened from 06 through 12 June 2022.

👉 Bitcoin price drops below $25,000
👉 DeFi lending giant Celsius halts withdrawals
👉 Pennsylvanian pharmacist feeds thousands of homeless using crypto
👉 Jack Dorsey Presents Web5: Decentralized Web Based on Bitcoin Values

📚Of course, there was more news last week, so if we missed an important story, feel free to let us know in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it with you!

📌 https://ucoincurrency.io/

