5 Rules for Making Content Your Audience Will Love

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4 min readFeb 3, 2023
A woman holding a book with a pen in her hand and smiling at the camera. Caption reads: Let them be your compass

Are you looking to grow your audience and establish a successful career as a creative entrepreneur? Building a fanbase of dedicated superfans is a crucial step in achieving that goal. But where do you start? Don’t worry, We’ve got you covered!

The key is understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them. Here are some tips to identify your audience and what they enjoy.

1. Define your creative niche

Finding your niche is key in the art world. It’s about identifying the type of art you create and themes that are specific to your style of art. This can lead you to the people who truly love your work.

For example, video content creator Mark Cannataro Films specializes in cinematography and 3D animation of popular figures in movies, games, and football. His fans know what type of content to expect from his channel and will already be warmed up and ready for the next piece of content.

The beauty of a niche is that it can also be specific in the art style while also being broad in scope. In Mark Cannataro’s case, his use of pop culture icons provides a large enough playground for him to creatively roam.

Once you’ve figured out what makes your art shine, you’ll begin to have an idea of how to target those who appreciate what you create.

2. Take a look at your current audience

Who are they? What are their interests? What are they looking for in art? Understanding the demographics and interests of your existing audience can give you a good idea of who they are and what else they’d like to see.

You can also use tools like Instagram and Twitter analytics to understand your audience better. They can be used to find out the demographics of your followers, as well as which posts are getting the most engagement.

Download an existing template or create your own excel sheet to track your creator data on a weekly or monthly basis, and analyze it to identify patterns and trends in your audience’s behavior. This will allow you to make informed decisions about the direction of your art and how to best engage and serve your audience.

3. Research your competition

This can be a valuable way to identify a potential audience that overlaps with your existing work. If not, you may consider creating something that resonates with your competition’s audience. Just remember not to make something that betrays your existing follower’s interests and leads to a disconnect with your most loyal superfans.

4. Identify the pain points

Understand the pain points of your potential audience, their problems, what they need, and how your art can help.

Getting to know your audience and what they’re looking for is key to making your art stand out. Think about what makes them tick by asking questions like ‘What do they love about my art?’ and ‘What pieces do they positively react to the most?’ By figuring out these answers, you will find a unique angle to appeal to your target audience and can create stuff they’ll love even more.

5. Be open to feedback and adaptation

Keep in mind that your target audience may change over time, and be open to feedback and adapt accordingly. Your audience may evolve and change as you grow as an artist, so make sure to keep an open mind and be willing to adjust your approach as needed.

There was some dissonance when digital artist Mike Winkelmann, aka Beeple, made his first steps into the world of NFTs in 2021. He had already amassed a large following from commercial projects but existing fans were less enthused over his NFT drops despite successfully selling for $66,666.66 USD.

Knowing that there were followers who didn’t support his digital-only jpg sales, Beeple decided to add a bespoke physical incentive to his next NFT. By tailoring his approach to be more inclusive to existing superfans, Beeple was able to grow an NFT following while also holding onto his digital art community. As a result, Beeple’s next NFT ended up selling for $777,777.77 USD.

By taking the time to understand your audience and create content that resonates with them, you can build a fanbase of dedicated superfans who will love and support your art.

Remember, building a fanbase takes time and effort, but with a clear understanding of your audience and a consistent approach to creating content, you’ll be well on your way to nurturing them up into something special and establishing a successful career as a digital artist in the process.



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