Ways to Make a Name for Yourself as a Creative Artist

Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2023
A cascade of Instagram feeds. Caption reads: Grow with your audience

With the right approach and persistence, it is possible to create a community of dedicated supporters who will help you achieve your artistic goals. Here are some critical steps you should take to grow your fan base and develop a community of superfans who will love and support your art.

Create consistent, high-quality content

The foundation of building a fan base is consistently producing visually stunning, original, and high-quality art that showcases your unique style.

High-quality in this instance, doesn’t mean having the fanciest 4K gear and lighting rigs that money can buy. It means making art that speaks to people while staying true to who you are. The more top-notch stuff you make, the more likely folks will take notice and become fans of your work.

Share your art on social media platforms

Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are great tools for sharing your art and connecting with potential fans. Make sure to post regularly, use hashtags to increase visibility, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. However, be aware that by uploading your work to these platforms, you are giving some of your ownership rights away. Check out our previous post What is Content Ownership? to find out what the trade-off is to using these platforms.

Engage with your audience

In addition to responding to comments and messages, take time to engage with your audience by asking for feedback on your art, hosting Q&A sessions, and creating polls to gather opinions on your work. This will help build a sense of community and encourage people to become fans.

Sam Does Arts is a digital artist who has created quite a following of over 2 million people on Instagram with his Pixar-style illustrations of women from pop culture and fandom. In addition to the art itself, he manages to provide his fans with content that shows his personality while breaking down the barrier between him as an artist and the fans who support his passion. Videos such as “I Gently Roast My Followers’ Art”, “Some Social Media Advice for Artists”, and “How to Find Your Art Style” give fans practical tips while providing a creative outlet for answering fan questions, further increasing engagement.

Create exclusive content for your fans

One way to differentiate yourself from other artists and build a fanbase is by creating exclusive content for your fans. This could include sneak peeks of upcoming projects, behind-the-scenes looks at your art-making process, or special offers for fans. Giving your fans a glimpse into the creative process can create a deeper connection and foster loyalty.

Host giveaways and contests: Hosting giveaways and contests are a great way to grow your fan base, reward the people who support your art and create a buzz around your work.

Collaborate with other artists

Collaborating with other artists can help you tap into their fan base. By working together, you can create something truly unique. This is a great way to expand your reach and gain exposure to new audiences.

Network and attend events

Attend art events, conventions, and exhibitions to meet other artists and potential fans. These events are great opportunities to showcase your work, connect with other artists and gain exposure to new audiences.

Create a website to showcase your work: A website is a great way to showcase your work, put up a blog or show your process and share your art to the world wide web. This is a great way to create a central location for your fans to find your work and stay updated on your latest projects.

Be authentic and transparent

Share your story, and let people see the person behind the art. Building trust and connection with your audience is key to growing and retaining a fanbase. You will create a deeper relationship with your fans by sharing your thoughts, experiences, and inspiration. They will be more likely to support your art and become super fans.

Don’t forget that creating a fanbase for your digital art takes time and effort, but by following these steps, you can build a community of dedicated supporters who will love and hero your content.

Remember, consistency is vital. Engage with your audience, create exclusive content and be authentic and transparent. Then once you have a solid base of superfans, you will have the support you need to achieve your artistic goals. Check out our previous post Why the ultimate dream team for creators involves enlisting superfans for what you can do next.



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