Working with my classmates to design this app was very helpful, being able to collab with others and see how everyone else thinks opened up my creative side to think outside the box. I got a better understanding on team building, in a design aspect and being able to take one idea and create many iterations for that specific idea. With many challenges that came with this process, such as me not being too familiar with XD and never have worked with website design, it took me a while to get a hang of it. Fortunately, my classmates that worked well in XD coached me up a little to get me caught up. I really enjoyed the process after all and was very happy with the outcome of the product.

If I had the opportunity to change this brief, I would have chose a different topic to work with other than an app for school/classes. Instead I would have tried to create something that wasn’t created yet or an app that needed a better version. I would also have looked into something that people really need that could make their everyday life’s easier.

Workshop 02


Workshop 03


I really enjoyed this brief as it was very free and personal. I was able to have all the freedom I wanted while creating something I feel very strong about. Fashion is something I am very connected with, so being able to create a book about how it makes me feel as a person and the story fashion tells, was a great opportunity. Throughout my years at UCONN, I can see the difference is my book layouts and page formats from when I first came and I believe I learned a lot and improved drastically. This class was just another moment of learning how to do things more professional and using your own creative instinct to make your work person and tell its own story. I wish I had the opportunity to print my book out but because of the circumstances, I was unable to, but hope to do so very soon.

