Caroline Amberg
UConn Graphic Design 4
5 min readApr 27, 2020

Workshop 1: Kristi-Lynn Jacovino

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Workshop 1- Kristi-Lynn Jacovino

This workshop was a great way to start this class. Each week we met, the class had to brainstorm from the ground up what app we were creating and every problem that may occur. We ran into many problems along the way about how the app would function if a certain button made sense to stay on the app, if we needed different features and why. It made me think about a lot of the websites and apps I use daily. There were challenges along the way working on 1 app with so many people. The breakdown into groups helped a lot, but the communication between all three was hard. Since we all had different platforms to work on creating a cohesive interface was hard. The largest issue my group ran into, was how to differ the web and desktop version. Initially, the desktop version looked extremely similar to the web. After taking a few steps back and looking at other desktop apps we all had, we realized the less the better. So we took away most of the features you would see on a website or phone app and simplified it to give the user a better experience. I think our app struggled with the purpose. It was hard at first to narrow down exactly what our class planned to make. In the end, it became an app for students enrolled at a university could log in with their school ID and all of their classes would appear. It was away from teachers so it became a chat room/discussion board for students. In the future I think working together more as a team early on would help, we all went our separate design ways too soon, which made it harder in the end to create 1 cohesive app.

Workshop 2: Chris + Kathleen Sleboda

  1. Three alphabet designs

2. Title wall proposal

3. Exhibition Brochure

I enjoyed all 10 of the briefs we were given. Each brief whether I knew it or not was building up to our exhibition. Creating 3 alphabets to see how different types worked together, to then picking out various color palettes from our exhibition topic. Creating the 3 alphabets was a really interesting exercise. I used straws for my found object and used only 1 straw with all of the letters. For the two others, I created a small pattern then duplicated it into a square shape.

My approach to the exhibition project was influenced by each brief, but as I researched my topic more my project was able to take the “shape” of the subject. I had french stoneware with a very distinct ‘daplayrat’ red. Choosing the 10 color shades/tints was a very helpful exercise to filter out what colors would work the best in my final exhibition. I tried to create a title wall that replicated the shape of the vessels since they were described as the shape of a heart, or some tall and thin. I created a smaller size brochure where the work was displayed above or below the text to also mimic the various shapes and sizes of the vessels. All of the briefs were very realistic tasks one would be asked to do if they were curating an exhibition show.

Workshop 3: Daphne Geismar

  1. Concept Sentence

The beach holds a larger meaning than just what it appears. Happiness, memories, growth, heartbreak, and many milestones, are just to name a few that have shaped my family and our story at the beach.

2. Front Cover

3. Four Spreads

When given the question of what interests you, I turned to my mom asking what she thought I should make a book about. We both thought about how I could find a personal and factual piece. After asking my mom I had the idea to include her and her love of the beach. It was an easy topic for me after that since my whole life has revolved around the beach and hers as well. The book I created is something special to my family, the factual piece is about the town my parents grew up in and where my whole family lives. I included images both personal and ones of the town to show the small coastal experience. The personal piece was an interview I did with my mom, of her experience surrounding the beach and why it is special to her.

