GD4 Projects

Emily Karam
UConn Graphic Design 4
3 min readApr 26, 2020

Projects completed as part of Graphic Design 4 at UConn.

WORKSHOP 1 / CampusBuzz App

Favorite features — Options on Class page interface and color theme options.
Favorite Features — Profile to archive scrolling.

Some of my favorite features of the CampusBuzz app include the ability to change color themes, the UX of the mobile archive page, and the interface of the main class page. Working with a large team defiantly gave me some real world experience. There were a lot of ideas throughout and things moved very quickly. Coming into D4 not knowing what D4 was all about, I was surprised and pleased that we created an idea for an app as well as the basic structure of it in just 1 class! The group setting was successful in that there were so many things I would not have thought of if I were creating this alone. In addition, I never used Adobe XD before so I really appreciated all the tips I recieved from different classmates. The fact that we could collaborate on the same XD file at the same time was a lifesaver though there were some technical difficulties. The downside to the whole class shouting ideas could be that the whole class is shouting ideas … which gets a little hectic sometimes. There was a lot of excitement which is great but hours of this was a little overwhelming. Taking most of the discussions down to smaller groups would have been more successful. For the future of the app itself, I would like to see the archived section fleshed. Other than that I think if it were real, it could be an extremely helpful tool to connect students.

WORKSHOP 2 / Katsina, Immortal Beings of Rain Exhibit Design


Object Alphabet — Socks. These are socks I just wore so they retain my foot shape in some of them such as the “A” and the “I”.
Variable Alphabet — Kites. The grid is the kite shape (seen as the “O”).
Variable Alphabet — “the variable part”. These are variations of the letterforms impacted by wind. Starting from the left, there are 3 examples of letter transformations.
System Alphabet — Cards. 3 shapes of cards are used as if you were stacking cards: a vertical card, and 2 tilting cards.

Exhibition Title Wall Proposals

Title Walls — Colors based off of colors occurring in Katsina Dolls. The typeface is lowercase to represent their small size, and thick to represent the block like dimension of the dolls themselves. The arrangements of type represent the life giving rains the Katsina spirits bring.
Variation with display windows in the title wall.

Exhibition Brochure

Brochure Cover

Brochure PDF

Brochure Video

The exhibition brochure dimension is in proportion with the dolls. The dolls are the focus of the exhibition so the brochure reflects this by giving the dolls full bleed pages.

WORKSHOP 3 / Florence Overnight Book

Florence Overnight, reflects upon my abroad experience and the dramatic shift that came to the city and to students who studied aborad a month after.

Sample Spread
Sample Spread
Sample Spread
Sample Spread

Book PDF

Thank you!

