Graphic Design 4

Maggie Hoynes
UConn Graphic Design 4
4 min readApr 27, 2020

Workshop 1:

My favorite part of the mobile app was the profile page and how the user interacts with the different features on this page. On the top of the screen, there is a wheel to represent settings and a bell to represent notifications. When the user touches these icons, instead of being brought to another page, there is a pop-up window. Along with this, the user is able to scroll down to show their past semesters. When scrolling down, the profile picture shrinks to optimize the space.

It was definitely interesting to work in a group as large as we did because we really haven’t done that before. Breaking up into smaller groups to tackle the different platforms this app would be accessible on made communication even more important. At first as a group, I think we were a bit all over the place regarding what features we wanted to include. With the workshop being the length that it was, we were forced to narrow this list down. At times we would have discussions about the features we were including but would not always come to a clear conclusion.

If I were able to make any changes to the apps now, I would like to test the idea of being able to see all images for a certain class. When working on these apps, each team included the ability for users to post images but I think it would take a while to find specific ones through the feed. By having an option to filter only the images, this could resolve that issue for the user. Regarding the process of creating these apps, one thing that we struggled with was communicating and staying on the same page. One thing I think could help this problem would be appointing one person from each platform to speak on behalf of that team. This would reduce the amount of people in main circle of communication.

Workshop 2:

Found object: Bobby Pins, System: 4 leaf clovers, Variable: disappearing letters

Brochure PDF

When creating this exhibition proposal I focused on the idea of stacking and representing the platform shoe. This first began with the wordmark. With Ferragamo being the most significant word in the title I tried to put more of a focus on it. Throughout the entire creation of this proposal the large shoe shown in each title wall had been my main source of inspiration. To go off of the layering and color change seen in this shoe, I applied a color change to the dates of the shoes that run up each podium. This idea was then extended into the brochure. Finally, to further convey this stacking idea, I added a two-page cover to the brochure. The first a white page with the wordmark of the exhibition on the front and then the back showing the MoMa wordmark. The second page shows the dates of the exhibition on a green paper that goes with the selected color scheme.

Workshop 3:

My book highlights the benefits and impact sports can have on a child growing up, specifically the values they can gain. I then reflect on my own experience within sports on how I have carried these values and lessons with me past my athletic career.

