Graphic Design 4

Chin Rochester
UConn Graphic Design 4
4 min readApr 27, 2020

Workshop 1

During the time in workshop 1 I found it very fun working and coming up with ideas to create an app as a class. The first few class were enjoyable as we worked as a collective all engaged in the possibilities of what this app could become. Although I think the issue arose when we all had to break off into separate groups and come back together to create one working app. We all had different views on the app and struggled to come together. In the end it worked out well but I feel this would have been a better class if we were able to meet twice a week for 3 hours instead of 6 hours once a week. I personally would like the idea of also creating my own app and receiving feedback from classmates vs one big group app.

My favorite parts of this project was the brainstorming of coming up with a functioning app in the first place and also the sell sheet because of the freedom we had when creating it.

Workshop 2

Workshop 2 was easily my favorite workshop because I feel that I learned the most out of the class and also got the chance to explore type design further. I personally think this class was set at a great pace and did not feel as if it dragged on. The second half of workshop 2 when we worked on exhibition design felt very comfortable for me because I work at the Benton and the type of briefs given were right up my ally. I actually wish I had the chance to do more research and designing at the Benton so I could have a similar process to this class, but unfortunately things aren’t ran the same way.

Alphabet Designs
Title Walls
Exhibition Brochure

My approach to this exhibition design was based off the documentation of the performance artist Vito Acconci. He used super 8 film to record his work and it remained in black and white as it was mainly projected onto the walls. With this information I designed most of the exhibition based off the aspect ratio of super 8 film and used typography that fit the time period of which he worked in. The brochure is the same ratio as super 8 film proportions along with the images inside.

Workshop 3

Workshop 3 was cool. I know for a fact that if this was in person it would’ve been a better experience. I personally did not like looking at my computer for 6 hours straight but I guess I got use to it. I just think it is unfortunate we as classmates didn’t get the chance to spend these last moments together. Although creating a book with the freedom that we had was fun. I like the aspect of finding our own essays and information to fill in the book. I think it gets us more involved with what it is we are creating. I choose a topic that I felt fit to me personally so my goal was to create a book for those who are interested in basketball and the influence it has had globally.

Concept Sentence: The NBA has had a global influence since the start of basketball. This influence ranges from fashion, video games, lifestyle, charities, etc. This book speaks to the many different ways the NBA has influence and changed history throughout the world.

Book Cover

