Week 1: Team Name, Team Logo, & App Ideas

Seven Deadly Sins
UCSD Cogs 187a Summer
2 min readAug 9, 2021

Author: Mai Vo

Team Name

The Seven Deadly Sins is a Netflix Original anime series based on Roman Catholic theology, which states that there are seven behaviors that contribute to further sins. These seven sins include pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth; each corresponds to the seven main characters. Since we have seven members, in addition to our group number also being 7, naturally we wanted to continue with the theme of seven. Thus, we decided to name our team Seven Deadly Sins.

The seven deadly sins of the seven main characters.

Team Logo

With Seven Deadly Sins being our official team name, we used it as an inspiration to design our logo. While each member displayed differing design ideas and techniques, common themes that appear throughout our designs include the representation of the number 7 as well as capturing the idea of deadly and sinful. This was done by utilizing dark color schemes and incorporating things such as skulls, snakes, and blood. As of now, we have not decided on the official team logo, though we plan to do so once everyone is done polishing their logos.

Logo designs that received the most positive feedback and would likely be contenders for our official team logo.

App Ideas

With the challenge of the class project being dedicated to solving problems experienced by travelers, here are some problems/issues that we came up with so far:

  • Keeping single travelers safer and more willing to travel
  • Keeping track of personal belongings
  • Preventing travelers from going missing/easier to find missing travelers
  • Not knowing what to do at a destination/ finding events nearby
  • Not knowing where to pick up a person at the airport

