Week 3: Finalizing Storyboards/Personas

In-n-Out Gaming
UCSD Cogs 187a Summer
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Author: Laura Kim

This week, our team met with our mentor, Michael Allen, to report updates on our app project. He offered some feedback on our idea regarding the logistics of how we would be gathering data (crowdsourcing, hardcoding, etc).

Our team then moved on to internal discussions regarding our storyboards and personas. First, we discussed the three types of personas/storyboards we wanted to be sure to include in our final version. We agreed that we wanted to incorporate a persona who will utilize the feature in our app that offers suggestions based on destination and date input. We also wanted to showcase the main feature of our app- an augmented reality scan of items — and how it could be used in two different situations.

We eventually converged on three personas that best represented our aims. Our first persona is a 67 year old man named Jerry who is extremely forgetful. He uses our destination/date input feature in order to keep track of what he needs to be packing for his trip. Our second persona is a 21 year old international student at UCSD named Peter who uses our app’s augmented reality feature in order to fit all his items in his suitcase as he packs to go back to campus. Finally, our third persona is a 30 year old man named Mark who uses our augmented reality feature at the mall to scan a suitcase he is interested in buying to make sure that all of his items will fit in it.

Persona/Storyboard of Peter

This week’s meeting was extremely productive and helped us consolidate our group’s ideas for our app into a collective team vision. The process of critiquing our storyboards and personas forced us to really hone in on our mission for this project and keep us focused on what the most important features of our app are. Having a clear and focused mission is essential for the next step in the design process — user testing — as we will need to be sure that our app is properly fulfilling its goals for its user.

