Week 3 Polished Prototype

Koalia Team
UCSD Cogs 187a Summer
2 min readSep 4, 2018

We decided to make a caregiver-like app after we discussed through lo-fi prototypes from last week. First, we scan through lo-fi prototypes we made and vote for functionalities we are keeping toward the final version of the app. We build a general idea of major functionalities of our health app. We want our app to remind caretaker his/her medication schedule. Caregiver, both doctor and children, can edit and make arrangement remotely of caretaker’s schedule. A health tracker, tracking pain, mood, memory, and vital information such as blood pressure, heartrate, etc. Health tracker should log multiple health characteristics over the period of tracking. For example, record of mental history could provide caregiver valuable understanding about caree’s mental status over treatment.

outlined key functionalities

Before we delve into development we need more details about layouts and accessibilities to finalize user interface. We draw and discuss collaboratively on blackboard to develop out first sketch of screen flow diagram. For displaying caree’s mental history we decide to use a trend graph. Trend graph gives viewer excellent visualization of status change over time.

sketch of screen flow diagram

Research shows that 32% aged over 65 among seniors are owning personal tablet. We decide to make our app ipad specific, to maximize user’s visibility. Our app is taking its shape gradually. Now it’s time to implement our sketches onto a more formal medium. We use Figma, a collaborative interface design tool, to make polished prototypes. We use bright color background and large font to make sure that text is readable. To improve controllability, we make list items and buttons different color tone from background, so they are differentiable. We also notice the fact that elderly user’s lack of familiarity of gesture controls, so that instead of swiping scrolls the page, we create virtual buttons allowing user to interact with contents. We put text intensively instead of using icon and images to display contents mimicking natural reading environment of adopted by most of the elderly users.

polished prototype

by Team Koalia @ 2018/9 cogs 187a summerII

