Week 5 — Commercial and Shark Tank Presentation

Team Pandas
UCSD Cogs 187a Summer
2 min readSep 6, 2024

By: Gissela Castillo

As our last day has come to an end, we reflect on the journey — specifically the final touches of our project. This week, we tackled on our presentation- finishing it up and finished our brochure.


We honed down on the slides, getting rid of some information that may be too much, and adding images and demo of our product. We wanted the shark tanks to know the important information of our product, so we pin point specifically on what type of information needs to be added. We also assigned the slides based on who knew the information the most. Completing the slides and practicing them was a smooth transition — we felt prepared but anxious to present. Nonetheless, we felt confident in our project and our deliverable.

On the last day of our class, we evaluated our teammates based on our efforts and participation. We managed to pull through, helping one another on certain assignments and important decisions needed to be made for the final product.


One of the main tasks we had to tackle was the commercial. We had very different ideas on how to approach it, some of us felt as though it would’ve been better to do an animation, while others wanted to do acting, making it seem more impactful for the audience. We ultimately decided on acting out the commercial, as it would save time and energy. We were on a time crunch, so making the commercial would take a mental toll. We had some rough drafts and concept ideas that were either scratched or not approved, but nonetheless we pulled through.

As our class has come to end, we thank those who had guide throughout this term. But, all efforts go to our team members, who had spent nights and their time to pull this project together. Also, we give our thanks to our TAs Nick and Matt, as well as Professor Boyle who gave given us very important advice of the field and of our project. They really gave us a perspective on things and see certain them from a different standpoint.

Signing off,

Team Panda.

