Week 5: Finals Week

Team ABC
UCSD Cogs 187a Summer
3 min readSep 8, 2024

Author: Christine Uy

For Week 5, we worked on our brochure, Final Presentation, and Shark Tank this week! With the end of the summer session, it was one of the busier weeks of the class. Lots of hours were spent outside of class working on our slides and practicing our presentation. Here’s what we’ve been up to throughout the week:

Brochure Mockup from Canva

The Brochure

We worked on various iterations of the brochure using Canva, making sure it communicated our product’s overall branding and message as efficiently as possible. We had to overhaul our previous design, as we wanted it to match the theme of our slides and product more. We also made sure to incorporate our team logo and game character Penny, to further emulate our team’s cause.

Final Presentation

The Presentation

Most of our time this week was spent working on the presentation, especially thinking about what specific information to include in our slides, along with practicing them. We met outside of class this week multiple times to go over what to discuss in the presentation, assign slides to each person, and practicing our own parts. We also made sure to work on our own scripts to practice and keep track of what we each wanted to talk about on each slide.

Keeping in mind our audience, we made sure to include gifs, photos, and graphics to better communicate our points across, along with increasing the text size for easier readability.

Presentation Meeting on Wednesday

We finally presented our final product in front of the sharks on Thursday. We presented the 7th out of all the 8 teams in class, and the nerves were definitely building up with each presentation. At the end, we felt very relieved to finally get it done! Very satisfied with how much work we were able to get done during this summer session, especially with the time constraint in mind and having to learn new technologies for our 3d environment. Huge shout out to our project manager Mica for always keeping us on task, and lots of thanks to each and every one of our members who contributed to this project. Let’s go Team ABC!!!

