How to Cut Your Sugar

5 tips from UCSF’s sugar science experts

UC San Francisco (UCSF)
UCSF Magazine
1 min readDec 21, 2018


The deluge of sugar in our food is making some of us very sick. We asked UCSF ‘s sugar science experts for tips on cutting down.

1. CUT SUGARY DRINKS. Wean yourself slowly if going cold turkey is too much to bear.

2. KEEP TEMPTATIONS OUT OF REACH. Clean up your pantry and fridge and skip the supermarket’s junk aisles entirely.

3. LIMIT YOUR KIDS’ EXPOSURE. But don’t go overboard, or the “forbidden fruit” will be even more enticing.

4. BE WARY OF BOXED, BAGGED, AND CANNED FOODS. And remember: Organic, “natural,” and other healthy-sounding products often still pack hidden sugars.

5. TAP YOUR COMMUNITY. Could your workplace, your gym, or your kid’s school take a stand for healthier choices?

Learn more on UCSF’s Sugar Science website.



UC San Francisco (UCSF)
UCSF Magazine

UC San Francisco is the leading university exclusively focused on health.