Bertelsmann Udacity's Data Science Scholarship Challenge: my first online venture.

Until April,2018, I was just a regular university student. Having little or no ambitions, apart from getting a good cgpa,and completing my engineering degree with grace.

In the late April I got an email from Udacity, telling me that I was among the 15,000 people selected for Bertelsmann Udacity's data science challenge. It actually got me thinking, when did I apply for such a scholarship? But yes, finally I remembered that I did apply, not hoping that I might actually be selected. But, as it was now free, so I decided to take the course.

At first, I was nervous about how I was going to survive the course. But then, I became terrified, because the course required working together in a community! Oh my, 'me',a person who can't even communicate with 4 people together ,would be expected to talk to about 15,000 people!

But, I was determined to do it, and stepped into the cyber world. I started learning, and it has been an awesome journey up til now. I am not only learning data science, but I am learning the art of working in a community. The participants are so helpful and supportive, even though I can only communicate with them through social media.

Through this course, I am not only learning technical skills, but also the social skills, which I disliked so much. I now realize, that the world keeps changing,and so should we, as people.

