What I learned from the Bertelsmann-Udacity Data Science Scholarship Program

First, I would like to congratulate all of you that got accepted to the challenge course. This means that you showed willing to try and succeed to the people who reviewed your application. I see many people in the community sharing their stories, thoughts and progress. It’s my time now to do the same and inform you about the learnings I have taken through this unique experience:

There’s an infinite amount of resources, but only for the curious ones: If someone is not willing to search for what they are interested, then they will never be able to find resources for that. In this challenge program, I met many “curious” minds that were keeping the community updated with courses, tutorials, blogs and other opportunities.

Helping someone is not only by showing the way to the solution: In this challenge, every way of help is acceptable. From virtual study groups and career advise to memes and music sharing, everyone’s goal is to add value to a group effort.

There’s always someone in a similar situation as you: What I really appreciated in the challenge, is that there’s not a specific background students are coming from. Age, country and level of education are not characteristics that matter, when it comes to participation. And this is why people in this community are not afraid to express their fears and get advise on how to face them.

It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop: This famous saying comes into effect in the community, where everyone is encouraging you to keep getting better and better. Even for the late starters, there are places they can get help from.

Last, any success/effort is more effective when it’s shared: If someone visits the facebook group, they will see many photos from study groups and meetups from all around the world.



Eleni Nistikaki
Udacity Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship 2018/19 Blog

Recent economics graduate who likes to transform messy data into beautiful stories.