Udacity Advantage: Content built and backed by the industry

Udacity India
Udacity India Inc.
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018

With the advancement in technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, the job sector has also exponentially expanded. But this creation of more jobs also has its own setbacks. While industrialists profess that there’s a great demand for professionals in these fields, majority of the professionals lack the level of skill set they are looking for. There is a dearth of supply to this ever-growing demand. Hence, skilling up and reskilling is crucial to be stay relevant in the jobs market.

Udacity realized that with the milieu of online educators across the world, not many were focusing on the equivalent of vocational skills in the tech world specifically. Sure there were many degrees on the online platform but not many of them were focused on making an individual successful at the job they had chosen in the real world. A program that is aimed at teaching the missing link between your current education level and the practical degree that will launch you towards your career.

and more…

With Nanodegree Programs, we make sure our graduates are capable for taking on these employment opportunities with the relevant skills. Our team works closely with top professionals from companies like Google Inc., AT&T, Facebook, Github and many more to understand the mindset of the industry. This detailed study of the industry enables us to devise the right Nanodegree for our students.

The syllabus of Nanodegree is valued by top industry professionals from all around the world. Some of our prestigious Nanodegree Programs, follow a certain framework that the students need to follow. This path has been carefully devised to ensure that students learn in a systematic manner and master the field completely — from beginning to an advanced level. The Nanodegree Programs ensure an all-inclusive development of relevant skills. Since, the market values individuals with more practical knowledge, we make sure to infuse our curriculum with projects that hold a great level of desirability in the industry. These projects help in putting the understanding of the students to test. They are thoroughly reviewed by our mentors and are required to pass a certain threshold benchmark for our students to graduate successfully. The experts review the coding style of the student and help them to improve as well. Through this we ascertain that our graduates are fully versed and coherent in taking on industrial challenges.

The current wave of technological change around AI and ML is affecting many companies. There is a general fear that people, especially those working with IT companies, will become less relevant due to the rapid evolution of technologies and changing job requirements. But today, every sector needs to adapt as technology advances. In India, companies don’t want only want engineers to learn new technologies but engender greater familiarity and insight into new-age technologies and skills. As a result, companies are gradually adopting a mindset that focuses on growth and lifelong learning across verticals. Our curriculum is not only centered for individuals willing to start their career, but also for industry professionals who want to advance in their respective fields. Hence, bridging the skills-demand gap prevalent today.

Here’s how we collaborated with Infosys team to skill up their workforce in autonomous vehicles engineering space:

Start learning today with Udacity Nanodegree Programs: http://bit.ly/UdacityND



Udacity India
Udacity India Inc.

Udacity provides online courses & credentials, built by AT&T, Google, etc. to teach skills that industry employers need today.