iOS Webcast: Stack Views

Jarrod Parkes
Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree
1 min readApr 25, 2016

Please join us this Wednesday, April 27th at 5pm PDT for a webcast on tips and tricks for working with stack views.

YouTube link for live webcast event on stack views.


Some iOS developers would regard view constaints as their greatest ally… others their biggest enemy. Certainly, setting up a simple constraint in Storyboard (or even programmatically) isn’t THAT BAD. But, as your views get more complex so do the constraints, and it can be hard to sort through the intricacies of them.

Thankfully, Apple has saved us from our struggling by providing us with stack views! Introduced in iOS 9, stack views provide a streamlined interface for laying out a collection of views. They eliminate the need for most auto layout constraints and make creating beautiful, adaptive user interfaces a breeze.

There will be an open Q&A session, so be sure to come prepared with questions!

