Humans of Udacity: Tarja Mård

Humans of Udacity
Udacity Inc
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2016

This is the third post in a series about the unique and interesting stories of people in the Udacity alumni community.

Meet Tarja Mård:

What is your background?

I have a MA in political science and I’ve worked as a statistician both in the public sector and in an international organization. In between these two stats positions I had a start-up, Minimarathon. I imported Baby Jogger and Advance Mobility strollers from the USA to Finland and sold them in my webshop to sporty new parents.

Which Nanodegree did you graduate from, and what led you to enroll in the first place?

I’ve actually graduated from two Nanodegree programs: Introduction to Programming and Front End Web Developer. I enrolled originally because I wanted to develop my current job into a new direction and I wanted to keep up with my then 10-year-old son’s computer interest.

What was your favorite part of the Udacity experience?

The Introduction to Programming Nanodegree program was very well organized, it built up my motivation gradually. It also left me hungry to learn more. I love the way Udacity builds the community by encouraging students to participate and help each other. The coolest experience was to be the Udacity European Ambassador to GoogleIO 2016, together with René Bannat from Berlin.

What’s next for you?

I want to practice my newly-learned skills, and learn even more. I’d also like to start another Nanodegree program (or two) soon! I’d love to study the Android Basics by Google Nanodegree program together with my son, and the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program with a group of other interested Parisian-based women. I also want to contribute to the learning of others by organizing get-togethers to the interested Udacity students and alumni, and finally, I’d love to organize coding courses for children.

Feel free to contact Tarja through LinkedIn or Medium.

