The Udacity class who will bring machines to life

Enrollment ends today for our inaugural Deep Learning class

Oliver Cameron
Udacity Inc
3 min readJan 20, 2017


These are real students! Learn more about Deep Learning Foundations.

I strongly believe that artificial intelligence will make our world dramatically better. It’s a tool we software engineers can wield to reduce needless death, diagnose disease, provide guidance to those with Autism, create new medicines, aid those who aren’t mobile, and much more. But, progress in AI has been slow. So this shift must happen faster, because the change it will bring is so substantial.

How can Udacity help? We can teach. Udacity is in a unique and fortunate position; we have many millions of go-getter students from all over the world who are eager to lead the way in critical emerging areas.

Udacity is the perfect platform to provide a scaleable and affordable education on artificial intelligence, and that is exactly what we aim to do with our new Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation program.

We believe that by offering this program, we can accelerate progress in artificial intelligence by providing an on-ramp to millions of deserving and eager students across the globe; many of whom may have felt that an opportunity of this magnitude was out of reach for them.

We announced this Nanodegree Foundation program just one short week ago, and already, the demand has been incredible! Many, many thousands of Udacity students from all around the world have enrolled for the inaugural class (enrollment is still open, but only through January 20th at Midnight PST!). These students will be working on problems like music generation, image compression, language translation, and much more.

Let’s hear from these amazing students as to why they’re excited about the power and potential of Deep Learning…

Artificial intelligence was my first love. As a child reading Asimov I dreamed of building robots. As an adult, machine learning and deep learning offer an unprecedented opportunity to leave a meaningful impact on medical science in my lifetime.

I think it will reshape the human civilization in an exponentially greater extent compared to how the Industrial Revolution did in its time.

The ability to change humanity — building robots, robotic factories, self-driving cars. The ability to once again be an explorer. To try new things that have never been tried before. To build things that have never been built before.

The ability to make computers learn from human interactions is fundamental to all automation and self-learning technologies. Whether it is applied to the automotive industry, or aerospace, medicine, or even mobile phone assistant technology. Machine and Deep Learning is firmly embedded into technologies of the future. I want to be part of this change and this excites me!

How it combines the multiple disciplines of statistics, mathematics, computer science. How it provides insights into how the neurons in our brains operate tasks like learning and memory, especially when you look at the new papers on GANs. It has abilities to out perform human uses on tasks like observing scans of retinas for macular degeneration, so its uses may well help mankind and the health of people.

When I read powerful expressions like these from our students, I know the world is poised for a dramatic and positive shift, and that AI will lead the way. With this inaugural Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation program—comprised of students from over 100 countries—we believe it will happen that much faster.

Enroll now, Siraj Raval (lead instructor) is looking forward to seeing you in class! Enrollment closes January 20th at Midnight PST.

Bonus content: Check our Siraj Raval asking our Udacity Founder & President Sebastian Thrun 67 questions, many about AI!



Oliver Cameron
Udacity Inc

Obsessed with AI. Built self-driving cars at Cruise and Voyage. Board member at Skyways. Y Combinator alum. Angel investor in 50+ AI startups.